Our Workshop Is In Session!

Choosing the right place to Invest and finding the tax sale information:

That’s what we covered in this week in the first 2 classes of the Build Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio workshop. The replay and all of the resources for lesson 1 are already on the students web site, and the recordings and resources for lesson 2 will be posted shortly.

Just in case you’re wondering it’s not too late to register for this live webinar training that includes 2 coaching sessions with me, a 2 months subscription to the members area – including access to www.taxlienlady-database.com, and 6 months of unlimited e-mail support.

You can find out more or register at www.ProfitableTaxLienPortfolio.com Continue reading

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What Are You Buying?

Here’s a message that I got recently from my friend Arnfried from Be Motivated Today.

I wanted you to see it because it is directly related to Tax Lien Investing. As a matter of fact this is way I became a tax lien investor to begin with. I wanted to buy assets that would earn money for me, but I didn’t have enough money to purchase real estate or other income producing assets, so I decided to buy tax liens. I believe that purchasing tax liens is a good way to put your money away for the near future into an income producing asset.

Here’s Arnfried’s message with some affirmations that you can use everyday to improve your financial situation:

In the financially empowering video ?What the wealthy buy on Pay Day?, Tim Sales explains how the wealthy spend their money on assets. An asset is something that makes money for you, like a property that you let, or a trailer that you hire out. These kinds of ?things? generate a continual income for you – a residual or passive income. In this definition, your house is not an asset, because it produces no income, unless you live in a rented house and let you own. Continue reading

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Answers to More Questions About Utility Liens

This blog post is?in response to some very good questions from Mike about utility liens. Mike had submitted these questions in comments on the post “Are Sewer Liens Worth Buying?”

Here are his questions and the answers:

Question #1: It seems that water/sewer liens can be big losers if the recording fees are greater than the returns. The returns on subsequent payments of water/sewer liens for one year might only be $20-40 and I have seen recording fees for $30. I guess you’re really banking on being able to pay the subsequent delinquent property taxes.

Answer: Yes, when you purchase a water, sewer, or other small utility lien, you are counting on being able to pay the subsequent utility amounts in order to make good returns. However I have to point out that though you might not make a lot of money on these small liens, you will not lose money on them. Where I invest the recording fee is $40, but it is paid back to the investor, along with a $12.00 search fee, when the lien redeems. And although you are making small amounts of money, where else are you going to be able to invest those small amounts for 8-18% returns? Continue reading

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Are You Making Money On Your Investments?

making money on your investmentsAre you making money on your investments? I spend a lot of time thinking about how to help more people become successful tax lien investors. You see, it wasn’t long ago that I started researching tax lien investing because I wanted to learn how to be a successful tax lien investor. I interviewed experts to determine how they became successful at tax lien investing. Then I took what I learned from them and what I learned from my own experience and turned it into good instructional materials to teach other people how to invest in tax liens and tax deeds successfully.

That’s why I created my website, www.Taxlienlady.com®, and this blog ? because I like helping others follow a successful model and avoid costly mistakes.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this question:

“Why do some people make money with tax lien investing, and other people spend lots of money and time learning how to do it, but never really make any money at it?”

Of course I have some of my own ideas about why this happens, but I’d like to hear from YOU – why do people NOT make money at tax lien investing? What holds them back?

Please share your ideas and comments below

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Investing In Tax Liens From Overseas

I recently got this questions from a subscriber in New Zealand about investing in tax liens from overseas.

“Hi Joanne, I’m a foreigner who resides in New Zealand, what’s the fastest way for me to get a tax ID # so I can participate in the U.S. tax sales.”

As you may know the Arizona tax sales are coming up and some of them are online sales. If you are a foreign investor who wants to participate in these sales, this is the time to get ready. If you wait too long you won’t be able to participate in these tax sales this year. Continue reading

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