Tax Deed Investing: What is an Upset Sale?

In Pennsylvania, some counties have two different tax sales; the “upset” sale, and the “judicial” sale. If tax sale properties are not sold at either of these two sales, the property then goes on the “repository” list and can be sold by private bid. The upset sale is held every year in the fall. It’s called an “upset” sale because the minimum bid for the properties in this sale is known as the “upset” price; which includes any unpaid taxes from the county as well as any municipal liens. If a property is not sold in this sale, it is sold in the “judicial” tax sale in the spring. Not all Pennsylvania counties have judicial sales but they all have an upset sale.

What is an Upset Sale? : Podcast Episode #33

This is a companion audio for this article. It explains what an upset sale is with the focus on Pennsylvania.


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Tax Lien Lady’s Due Diligence Checklist for Tax Deeds

Purchasing tax deeds calls for some extra due diligence since you are actually purchasing the property and not just paying the taxes and putting a lien on the property as you are when you invest in a tax lien. Here is a checklist that you can follow when you are getting ready to purchase tax deeds. Please be advised that this is for educational purposes only and should not take the place of any legal advice.

You will probably want to start your due diligence for tax deed properties at least 2 weeks before the tax sale. For online tax sales that require you to have money deposited a few days ahead of time, you may want to even start working on these items sooner.

Podcast Episode #32 – Due Diligence For Tax Deeds

The audio is a companion to this article.


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Beware Tax Liens For Sale on Ebay

Not too long ago I received a question from one of the subscribers to my Tax Lien Tips newsletter. He was confused because he saw a tax lien for sale on e-bay that sold for over $4,000. The face value of the lien was only 228.28 with 5% interest on the lien amount. This was a Florida tax lien, so instead of having the opportunity to foreclose on the property, you would apply for the tax lien to go to a deed sale if the lien was not redeemed during the 2 year redemption period.

The e-bay listing said “Residential Home Near Ocean, Tax Lien Certificate.” It included one aerial photo of the property and a few pictures of the Fort Lauderdale, Florida beaches. The item specifics said “Residential Real Estate,” and made it look as though it was the real estate that was for sale by owner, until you read the description. The description clearly said this is a tax lien certificate. It had even stated that the seller of said certificate had never even looked at the property and recommends that you look at the property before bidding on the certificate.

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Real Estate Market Timing Webinar Replay

A free webinar recording on Real Estate Market Timing: How You Can Know When to Buy and When to Sell is know posted on the Tax Lien Lady’s Teleseminar Blog at This webinar was held on Thursday, July 23 with Bob Golden of and Joanne Musa of on Real Estate Market timing and how you can know when it’s safe to buy real estate again in your area.

You’ve probably heard that the 3 keys to successful real estate investing are location, location, location. But is that really true? In this webinar Bob shared his secrets for making more money in real estate by investing in the right market at the right time. Want to know if it’s safe to start buying in your market?

“We’ve analyzed over 200 real estate markets and used historical data going back as far as 15 years and when the market momentum says buy we see home values going up shortly after. When the market momentum says sell home values level out or go down. The numbers don’t lie,” said Bob Golden of

“This is the kind of invaluable tool a real estate investor needs, it tells us when to buy and when to sell and it has been proven based on years of historical data to make money. You can literally make tens of thousands of dollars more per property just by knowing the right time to buy and the right time to sell,” he added.

Watch the replay to find out how to determine when it’s safe to buy again, and how to find out which areas of the country are still good markets now. Watch it from the blog or download it to your computer.

To watch the replay go to


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Podcast Episode #31 – Interview by Clint Biesinger-Part 2 of 2

This the the 2nd and last part of an interview done by Clint Biesinger. This audio interview focuses on New Jersey tax liens.


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Hope you enjoy it.

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