Is Bidding At The Tax Sale Changing?

Decisions, Decisions

There were 2 different tax sales that I could have gone to today. The Monroe County upset tax sale was today, but there were also 8 different tax sales going on in New Jersey, most of them at or around the same time. I could have attended a deed sale in the Pennsylvania county that I live in or one of the tax lien sales in New Jersey. Since I had a few prior liens at one of the New Jersey tax sales, that’s the one that I attended. And since this is the first tax sale in New Jersey that I attended this season, I noticed some differences from last year.

So what is changing regarding tax lien sales in New Jersey?

Although I was able to get the liens on properties that I was a prior lienholder on at 18%, I only got one other small lien and that was at 2%. I was willing to bid down to 2% because I know that I can pay subsequent sewer taxes (this was a sewer lien) and get 8% on my subs. Even small sewer liens went at premium. In NJ the interest rate can be bid down to 0% and then premium can be bid for liens. The odd thing about this sale is that both individual investors and institutional investors were willing to pay premium for small sewer liens but the larger liens went at 18% to one of the institutional investors. Continue reading

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Double Digit Returns on Tax Liens Without Doing Any Work?

Did you know that you can get double digit returns on tax liens without doing any work? With tax liens, you don’t have to worry about the volatility in the market. The stock market or real estate market can go up or down, but your rate of return stays the same. Another advantage to tax lien investing is that you can do it yourself without paying any brokerage fees. But what if you don’t have the time or the inclination to learn how to invest in tax liens profitably? Are there ways that you can invest in tax liens without doing all of the work yourself, and without having to attend the tax sale?

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Welcome to my Tax Lien Investing blog!

Hi, I’m Joanne Musa, The Tax Lien Lady, and I have a reputation for being brutally honest about tax lien investing; I tell it like it is. You’ll get no hype and fluff here, just the facts about what you need to know about tax lien and tax deed investing before you get involved.right side arrow

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Double Digit Returns Without Risk?

Are you tired of loosing money in the stock market….

Did you know that you can if you get an average return of 10% on your portfolio for 3 years and in the forth year if you have a loss of 10%, you need to profit 34% percent in the 5th year just to break even?

How would like to learn about a safe alternative to the stock market?

On July 22, 2010 I’ll be giving a free webinar training as part of the “Real Players of Real Estate” series on how to invest with certainty in a high yielding vehicle that does not fluctuate with the economy or the stock market. I’ll also let you know how you can use the money in your retirement account to invest in tax lien certificates and tax deeds… Continue reading

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Profit Without Risk: Why Now is The Right Time to Invest In Tax Lien Certificates

I just added audio to this article so now you can listen to it instead of reading it! Just click the yellow play button.



Unfortunately you cannot trust the media. Just when they say it’s time to get into an investment opportunity, that’s when it’s usually oversold and it’s time for the wise investors to get out. Regardless of what the media is saying about the real estate market, the market is down and we’ve not seen the bottom yet. There are so many people that are defaulting on their homes and because of the backlog that the banks have, we won’t see those homes on the market for another two years. So as bad as the market is today, two years from now it will probably be worse.

The stock market is also going through a natural correction, much like it did in 1939. It’s all very predictable and connected to cycles in the economy. If you really want to understand these cycles, read The Great Depression Ahead by Harry Dent. Mr. Dent is the renowned economic forecaster who accurately predicted the boom of the early 2000’s and the most recent stock market crash, which he claims is not done yet.  And to make things even worse the baby boomers are headed for retirement. This is the time when they want to cash in on their investments and take profits. Only problem is there might not be any profits for you if you are heavily invested in the stock market (especially in “safe” mutual funds). Continue reading

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