Stretching Your Comfort Zone

Have you ever tried something new?

Something that you knew you wanted to do, but had never done before, and it scared you a little bit, or maybe a lot, but you went a head and did it anyway?

Getting?out of our comfort zone is how we learn new things. Personal growth is only possible if we stretch our comfort zone. There is always the possibility that we will fail or that things won’t turn out as we planned, but then there’s also the possibility that we’ll be successful and get what we aim for. You’ll never know unless you try!

Last weekend when I was at the USA Weightlifting American Open Championship with my son Peter, I attended the technical meeting along with my team’s head coach to find out what the final count of lifters were and?the lifting schedule for the competition. During the meeting is was made known that there were more lifters than expected for the weekend (over 230) and more sessions had been added in order to accommodate them. More officials were needed to help run the competition. Since I don’t have national credentials as an official I never volunteer to officiate at these national contests, but at this particular contest they did not have enough national officials and? they needed people with local credentials (which I do have) to help with different aspects of officiating the meet.? With the encouragement of one of my colleges, who is a national referee, I volunteered to run the clock at a few of the sessions. He assured me that it would be easy to do. Continue reading

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Will Tax Lien Investing Help Me?

I get a lot of questions? from people who are in financial difficulty and they want to know if tax lien or tax deed investing is the answer to their problems. Some of these people are young, in their 40’s with a mortgage, young children, and they have a failing business or they have lost their job, and they want to know how soon they can replace their income with tax lien investing, and can they really get houses for “pennies on the dollar.” Others are retired or closer to retirement (in their 50’s or 60’s) and they’ve lost most of the money in their 401(k) and want to know how long it will take to make up for lost time with tax lien investing if they move all of the money in their 401(k) into a self-directed IRA and start investing in tax liens. Most of these people have already purchased someone else’s course on tax lien or tax deed investing but still haven’t made any money yet, and don’t know if it’s really possible. It’s amazing how many people find me after they spend a lot of money with someone else, and then expect me to answer their questions. So if this describes you, let me save you some time and answer your questions before you ask them. Even better yet, let me answer your questions before you spend any money learning about tax lien or tax deed investing.

First of all, can you still buy houses for “pennies on the dollar?” The answer is, yes you can in some tax deed states. But think about it: Pennies on the dollar means that you can buy a $300,000 property for around $30,000. Do you have that much money that you don’t need to live on or to keep in an emergency fund? People forget that this is an investment, not a get rich quick scheme especially today when real estate is not selling quickly. Continue reading

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Peter Musa Wins American Open

Peter Musa of Price Township, PA won the 69kg (151.8lb) class at the American Open Weightlifting Championship in Cincinnati Ohio last Friday. Eighteen year old Peter Musa won his first open weightlifting competition this past weekend at the Holiday Inn Eastgate, in Cincinnati Ohio. Musa has been a School age champion for 5 consecutive years, winning his weight class from 2005 ? 2009. He also earned the title of overall champion for his age group in 2005, 2007 and 2009, and best lifter overall in 2009. He won the National Junior Championship for 2 consecutive years in 2008 and 2009. Now he adds an American Open Championship to his titles as a weightlifter.

Peter Musa 156 kg Clean and Jerk?

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The Truth About Tax Lien Investing

Here’s a new video that I created and I’d like to get your feedback on it. I wanted to show it to you first before I posted it on YouTube. The video starts out with some reasons why you might want to invest in tax liens and goes into my background and how I got started. From there it goes over some of the basics of tax lien investing. I hope you enjoy it, and that you learn something that you didn’t already know. Let me know what you think of it or if you have any questions about it in comment box below.

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Free Mini-course Updated

Two years ago I launched a new product on how to determine the best place to invest and how to find the tax sale information. This product covered the basics of tax lien investing and so I named it Tax Lien Investing Basics. It actually included the first 2 lessons of my comprehensive 8-week Build Your Profitable Tax Lien Porfolio home study course. To launch the new Basics course I did a series of free videos and a free report entitled “7 Steps to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio.” But that was 2 years ago.

I decided that it was time to update this information and it available to all of my subscribers once again. Last month I updated the “7 Steps” report and just recently I’ve updated the entire video course, only now it’s not only videos. You’ll find videos, articles, and podcasts. It’s trully a multimedia learning experience, all for free!

You can get it at

I want to give it to you, my loyal subscriber first before I advertise it online. And I’d love to get your feedback about it. So even if you’ve signed up for my free “7 Steps” report before and even if you’ve signed up for my free video e-course before, go ahead and sign up again and get all of the new stuff and review some of the old videos that did’t need updating.? This is just one of the free gifts that I’m giving to you for the holidays.

Have a Very Happy Holiday ?Season and a Very Prosperous New Year,


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