Have you ever tried something new?
Something that you knew you wanted to do, but had never done before, and it scared you a little bit, or maybe a lot, but you went a head and did it anyway?
Getting?out of our comfort zone is how we learn new things. Personal growth is only possible if we stretch our comfort zone. There is always the possibility that we will fail or that things won’t turn out as we planned, but then there’s also the possibility that we’ll be successful and get what we aim for. You’ll never know unless you try!
Last weekend when I was at the USA Weightlifting American Open Championship with my son Peter, I attended the technical meeting along with my team’s head coach to find out what the final count of lifters were and?the lifting schedule for the competition. During the meeting is was made known that there were more lifters than expected for the weekend (over 230) and more sessions had been added in order to accommodate them. More officials were needed to help run the competition. Since I don’t have national credentials as an official I never volunteer to officiate at these national contests, but at this particular contest they did not have enough national officials and? they needed people with local credentials (which I do have) to help with different aspects of officiating the meet.? With the encouragement of one of my colleges, who is a national referee, I volunteered to run the clock at a few of the sessions. He assured me that it would be easy to do. Continue reading
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