Questions About Investing With a SDIRA

Recently, in the comments of another post, Greg asked some great questions about investing in tax lien certificates with a self-directed IRA. He had quite a few good questions and I think that everyone can benefit from the answers so I will attempt to answer them here. The questions that I am not able to answer I will forward on the Edwin Kelley of Equity Trust Company, since Greg has an account with Equity Trust.

So Here are the questions and answers about investing in tax liens with a self-directed IRA Continue reading

Posted in Answering Questions, Self-Directed IRA, Tax Lien Investing | 1 Comment

Video: Settle Your Debt For Pennies on the Dollar

Here ‘s? a video from my friend Richard Geller on how you can settle your dept for pennies on the dollar and increase your FICO score.

Find out more. Join Richard and I for a free webinar Tomorrow and learn more about his “Credit Card Relief Formula.”

Register now at

Happy and Prosperous Investing,


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Guest Article: Aggressive Tactics for Overcoming Debt

How much money could you have for tax lien investing if you weren’t paying off your credit card debt?

This article is from my friend Richard Geller, a wealth building and debt elimination expert. I decided to include this in my blog because it’s information that some people need right now. It may not be for you, but maybe you know someone who needs this information. I get a lot of e-mails from people who are in a lot of debt right now and they want to know if tax lien investing can help them get out of debt. My advice is get out of debt and start investing in tax liens at the same time if you possibly can – that way when you are debt free you’ll have something to show for it.

With Richard’s information you can get out from under the debt monster faster and pay less of your money to the bank. To learn more join Richard and I for a free webinar this Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 9pm Eastern. You can sign up at


Guest Article from Richard Geller:

I have taught thousands of people how to get out of credit card debt and start a new life. I?ve had students who owed as little as $3,000 or as much as (on one occasion I recall) $800,000.

In this article I want to show you a new strategy for settling debts, and show you why you should settle them, and times when that is not appropriate.?? Continue reading

Posted in Debt Elimination | 2 Comments

What Keeps You Going?

Some things make us quit, others help us to persevere.

What keeps you going?

Is it a reward?
Or seeing results?
Perhaps the fear of failure or the quest for achievement?

Think about it.

Now think of ways you can regularly motivate yourself to persevere.

For Example. If seeing results motivates you, take your main goal and break it down into small steps. Every time you complete a step, check it off your list as a mini-gaol accomplished. Now you are seeing results.

Perhaps rewarding yourself every time you reach a mini-goal will motivate you.

Or if fear motivates you, think for a few minutes every day of how terrible it will be if you fail.

Become intentional about finding ways to motivate yourself.

Be all you can be.

Want to receive these encouraging and inspiring emails?
Register for a 14-day FR’EE Trial of the Daily PEP-Talk at Watch a short video and download an e-book on releasing your potential and a report on a unique way to help you create a passive income that actually works. Visit

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Three Types of Americans who are Thriving today…

There are two classes of Americas today. One is thriving because it is populated with the richest people who benefit from the huge money printing operation.

These include:
1. Wall Street types
2. Federal government employees
3. Lawyers, accountants who work with “the system”

The other class of America is in an economic Depression as bad as the Great Depression in the 1930s.

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, because I am optimistic about the new year, but to go forward we need to have an honest look at where we are today. It is staggering how the mainstream media ignored how similar our current situation is to the great depression. For instance: Continue reading

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