10 Minutes For You

Need Help Getting Motivated?

“10 Minutes for You” is a 10-minute, motivational audio clip from my friends at Be Motivated Today?that inspires, encourages and helps you feel great. It will help you see yourself in a new winning way.

Download and listen to it on your computer or MP3 player. You’ll feel motivated and positive about yourself.

Listen and download it at http://www.bemotivatedtoday.com/content.asp?pageId=68&refcode=71058

I am incredible
I feel good about myself
I am a Winner and I love to win

Be all you can be,


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Questions about Investing In New Jersey

I recently got a couple of questions about investing in tax liens in New Jersey. While I answered these in the comments section of this blog I thought that it would be helpful to answer them for you in one blog post since they are both about investing in New Jersey, but were submitted as comments on 2 different blog posts. So here are the questions and answers for you:

Question from Andrew:
In the state of New Jersey(specifically Sussex County), are recording fees , water and sewer reimbursed upon redemption? Continue reading

Posted in Answering Questions, special interest, Utility Liens | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Tax Lien Investing Coaching for Everyone

I just got back from USA Weightlifting’s National Junior Championships in Houston where I helped coach my son to his 4th Jr. Championship win. He didn’t do as well as he did in December at the American Open where he won his class, tied the Jr. American record for the Clean & Jerk (157kgs), and did three new personal records, but he did win the competition for his weight class.

And now I’m back to business as usual. Back to answering questions about tax lien investing, and coaching people to build their own successful portfolio of tax liens or tax deeds. In fact I just finished updating the 8 lesson “Build Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio” home study course, with new video and audio recordings, updated information, new resources and new bonus videos, documents, articles, and podcasts. Continue reading

Posted in Tax Lien Investing | 2 Comments

Why is This State Attractive to Tax Lien Investors?

I recently read a blog post on a popular real estate blog about the advantages of investing in Texas. The title of the post was “Why Investors Love Texas.”

This article pointed out the advantages of investing in Texas but they missed a couple of important points. They claimed that Texas has tax lien sales every month. But in fact Texas is a redeemable deed state, not a tax lien state, so you are actually purchasing the deed to the property at the tax sale.

They do point out 2 other advantages to investing in Texas. The fact that you receive a 25% penalty instead of interest. So that no matter when the lien redeems you receive 25% on your investment – it’s not an annualized interest rate as it is with tax lien states. The second advantage is the short redemption period in Texas – 6 months for non-homesteaded and non-agricultural properties. Continue reading

Posted in redeemable tax deeds, Wealth Building | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The Wealthiest Place on the The Planet

Here is a profound motivational message from my friends at Be Motivated Today:

Dr Myles Munroe shares a powerful idea that I would like to share with you. He says that the wealthiest places in the world are not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They’re not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried, companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, best selling books that were never written and masterpieces that were never painted.
In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.

There is a treasure within you that must come out. It is your potential.
Don?t go to the grave with your treasure still within you.

Here are some affirmations that you can use daily:
Within me is great wealth
I have unlimited potential
I have so much to give the world
Happy and Prosperous Investing,


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