How To Profit From Tax Liens Tax Free In 2012

“How to Profit From Tax Liens Tax Free in 2012” was the topic of a webinar training with Equity Trust Company that was held on Wednesday, January 18, 2012.

Uncover strategies for creating tax-free profits on all of your investments in 2012 (and possibly still qualify for big 2011 tax deductions) during a special presentation from Equity Trust Company, the leader in self-directed IRAs and small business plans with 130,000 clients and $10 Billion under custody.

Discover the tools that only 2% of Americans are currently utilizing (mostly the rich ones) to create lasting wealth on this webinar. You’ll uncover the strategies to creating tax-free profits in all your investments – including tax liens/deeds. Plus, you could qualify for huge tax deductions (and if you act soon you could still qualify for 2011 tax deductions).

The Special Event Reveals How To:

  • Eliminate taxes from your investing – including tax-free profits with tax liens/deeds
  • Reduce your 2011 tax bill by thousands (in some cases up to $54,500)
  • Supplement your retirement nest egg each month through tax liens
  • Get started quickly – begin creating tax-free wealth as soon as possible

Click the link below to watch the recording

Happy and Prosperous Investing,




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Use Affirmations To Reach Your Goals

Here’s some help from Be Motivated Today to help you meet your goals for 2012 and keep your New Year’s Resolutions:

There is an important discipline one needs to practice to help one remain motivated and enthusiastic while working towards great goals. It will not be new to you, but I want to relate it to achieving your goals.

You know that our beliefs will hinder or help us in any endeavour. And it is our beliefs which often hold us back. If we start believing that we can?t achieve a goal, that belief will stop us in our tracks or slow us down, even if we were making good progress.

You may also know that if one continually affirms certain statements, one will start believing them. Whether they are true or not. The mind does not argue the truth of a statement if it continually hears it.

This means that you can build your belief system about your ability to achieve your objectives by continually affirming to yourself that you have achieved your goals.

Therefore you need to choose a few affirmations for each of your goals.
These you then repeat 10 times, every morning and evening.
For Example. ?I’m on holiday in Rio de Janeiro.? ?I weigh (your goal weight)? “I have my degree in …”

If you have not done so already, choose a few affirmations for each of your goals now.

If you have not written out your affirmations, then do that now.

Be all you can be.

With Fond Regards

Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO – Be Motivated Today

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7 Step Process For Growing Your Wealth

Here are 7 steps that you can follow to protect your retirement and start growing your wealth!

Step 1: Start Contributing to a Self Directed IRA or 401(k)

If you have a 401(k) with your employer that’s good, but not as good as if you had a self-directed IRA or solo 401(k) that you can control. With a true self-directed retirement account you have control and can invest in almost anything you want to, including real estate. I am not a retirement account expert, but I have interviewed a view retirement account specialists over the last few years. And I’ve learned enough to have open a SEP IRA for myself and for my husband.

You have to have your own business to have a SEP IRA, and you cannot contribute to a SEP if you are contributing to a 401(k). But a SEP IRA allows you to contribute a lot more per year than an individual IRA. I recommend that you talk to a representative from an IRA custodian about opening a true self-directed IRA that gives you control over your investments, so that you can open an account and start funding it. If you need help finding a self-directed IRA company, there are 3 that I have worked with that you can check out: IRA Services Trust, Equity Trust Company, and CAMA Plan. Continue reading

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Are You Facing Challenges?

Are you facing challenges this holiday season. Maybe it’s not having enough money to pay the bills, let alone buy holiday gifts. Or a broken relationship, or the loss of a loved one. And you’re wondering how you are going to make ends meet or how you are going to go on? If you are facing challenges or dissapointment you need to read on.

Personally, there are 2 things that have helped me through my own personal difficulties and believe me I have suffered poverty and loss and major dissapointments in my life, but these 2 things have carried me through the difficult times: Faith and courage. Faith in myself and in God, and courage to do the right things even when it hurts, to face the unknown, and to face my fears. If I could give you faith and courage I would. But faith and courage are not things that can be given away, they must be cultivated. Oddly enough faith and courage grow through trials. It is not what happens to us that matters, but how we react to what happens to us that forms our character.

Here’s this week’s motivational message from my friend Arnfried, Motivater and CEO?of Be Motivated Today:

I love this quote from James Buckham about? growing when facing challenges.

Trials, temptations, disappointments ? all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fibre of a character, but strengthen it. Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before. ? James Buckham

It is during the challenges and difficulties that you discover just how much you can handle. Although you may feel battered afterwards, you will be stronger and able to handle more next time.

I don’t wish challenges on anyone, but at least we do benefit from them.

If you are facing a challenge today, ?just hang in there.

Challenges make me stronger
They bring out the best in me
I can get through anything

Be all you can be,

With Fond Regards

Arnfried Klein-Werner

Want to receive these encouraging and inspiring emails?
Register for a 14-day FR’EE Trial of the Daily PEP-Talk at Watch a short video and download an e-book on releasing your potential and a report on a unique way to help you create a passive income that actually works. Visit


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Rave Reviews For Tax Foreclosure Fortunes

Here is part of an e-mail that I recently received from a new Tax Foreclosure Fortunes Customer…

“I spent a considerable amount of time going over your Tax Foreclosure Fortunes program and I am very satisfied with what I saw.? You give very good verbal instructions on how to actually acquire the deed prior to the auction, which is the whole objective of this method.? Your verbal communication skills are very good and you come across as being genuinely interested in and having a passion for the subject matter.? I enjoyed your interview with Cody Matouzek.
???????? Before I purchased your Tax Foreclosure Fortunes program I downloaded and studied 25 of your videos from you tube.? I found them very well done and very informative.? You do good work Joanne, keep it up.? I know what kind of junk real estate programs there are out there and yours is one of the best.? I would highly recommend it to anyone.”
?– Richard Bakish

If you would like to find out more about this online home study course that teaces you how to cash in on tax deed properties without going to the tax sale, go to and get your FREE mini-lesson.

Have questions or comments? Leave them below…

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