Complimentary Webinar Training – Make Money With Judgment Liens

iStock_000002894095XSmallI’ve recently come across a unique opportunity to make money with judgment liens that will allow you to:

– Claim your stake in a $2 TRILLION dollar industry and have next-to-zero competitors for your deals.

– Make money without buying, selling, or renting a property. (This works in commercial, residential, even land.)

– Turn just $1 into a very large profit (up to tens-of-thousands) with very little work.

– Start this week with just a few short hours of training (no license needed) with no previous experience and no financial risk.

– Invest only a few hours from your computer… even while watching TV. (And earn at least very nice $2,000 finder’s fees.) Continue reading

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Secondary Tax Lien Redemption

tax lien redemption

How can you get a faster tax lien redemption?

You can profit faster from tax liens by purchasing a lien that is ready to foreclose. By investing in secondary tax liens you can shorten the time it takes to the tax lien redemption or foreclosure. Here’s an example of a tax lien redemption where I got a 49.5% return on my money in only 15 months from the time that I purchased the lien. In reality it only took only 6 months to redeem, but the county lost the original check and had to reissue it and that took some time. In any case it was much faster than if I had purchased the lien at the tax sale myself and then waited the 2 1/2 year redemption period and then started foreclosure. If the original investor had hung onto this lien instead of selling it to me they would have a little more than doubled their original investment, but it would have taken more than 3 years. I bought the secondary lien from an investor (through the agent who did all of the work including the foreclosure) and then initiated foreclosure. The property owner then redeemed the lien and I made 49.5% on my money in a little more than a year!

Here’s what the numbers look like: Continue reading

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Complimentary Teleseminar on How To Buy Tax Liens

new webinar trainingsIf you want to learn how to buy tax liens,  using the stealth investment strategies that the Tax Lien Lady teaches to her members and students than listen to this free teleseminar recording.

On this call you’ll learn about the best strategies for buying tax liens and tax defaulted properties in today’s competitive market. Many of the so called tax lien investing experts will try to tell you that the way to get tax liens at the best rates is to get the “over-the-counter” or left-over liens. They’ll tell you that the tax sales are so competitive that you can’t get good interest rates at the tax sale, and that there are so many tax liens left over that your best bet is to get the left over from the county. That way you get the maximum interest, you can buy at any time, not just at the tax sale that is only held once a year, and you can even get a lien that’s ready to foreclose….NOT! Continue reading

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Tax Deed Investing: How Important Is It To Check For Notification?

tax deed investingJust how important is it to check for proper notification before you buy a tax deed?

It’s very important, and could mean the difference between owning the property or losing it to either the original owner, a lien holder, or one of the original owner’s heirs and you can read about in this article from

Click Here for an abstract of the article

In this case the investor made 2 mistakes. It appears that he did check for notification and knew that the owner was not properly notified, but he purchased the property at the tax sale anyway. His second error was that he did not record the deed to the property. Some PA counties will record the deed for you (and charge you a nominal fee for that, as well as a realty transfer fee) when you purchase the property. But in other counties the investor is responsible for recording the deed.

It all goes to show that you really do need to know what you are doing when you purchase a tax deed. There is much more to doing your due diligence before buying a property at a tax sale then assessing the value of the property. It’s all covered in depth in lesson 3 of the Build Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio home study course – which covers investing in tax deeds as well as tax liens. Find out more about it and enroll today at

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What’s Better Than Investing In Secondary Tax Liens?

making money from homeI like purchasing secondary tax liens from investors that I know and trust. By purchasing secondary tax liens you can avoid bidding at the tax sale. You still have to do your due diligence, but if you’re purchasing from an investor or entity you can trust sometimes they will actually do all the due diligence before they assign the lien to you. There are things to watch out for when purchasing secondary liens but it makes your work a whole lot easier since the original investor did most of the work and the bidding at the tax sale. You can purchase a lien that’s ready to foreclose. If the lien redeems sometime during the foreclosure process, you get redeemed right away and your money isn’t tied up for the entire redemption period. One of my coaching clients made 30% on his investment in only 9 months with this strategy! Continue reading

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