Today Is Lauch Day For Trust Your Heart!

Trust Your Heart: Transform Your Ideas Into Income

Today is the day!

Trust Your Heart: Transform Your Ideas into Income has just launched, and you can get your copy now and access our one-of-a-kind bonus!

Can you really take an idea and turn it into a successful, mega-profit business?? Are there shortcuts for doing just that?
Is this dream just for the lucky ones, or can anyone transform an idea into cash?

Trusting Your Heart: Turning Your Ideas into Income – the newest book from – blows the lid off excuses and reveals how 19 individuals (including your truly) with a dream turned their ideas into thriving businesses.

You’ll discover how one immigrant from Poland with just $190 in his pocket became a multi-millionaire.? How an illegal deal at a big company sent one soon-to-be-entrepreneur packing.? How one budding actress walked away from acting to serving Italian food to the biggest names in Hollywood to creating her own coaching business! Continue reading

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Can I Invest In Tax Liens With Money From My Retirement Account?

Here’s a question that I get often: “Can I invest in tax liens with money from my retirement account?”

The answer to this question is yes, if you have a self-directed IRA or solo 401(k). But what is a self-directed IRA or Solo 401(k) and how can you tell if your retirement plan is self-directed?

A self-directed IRA is an IRA account – it could be a traditional IRA or SEP IRA, or Roth IRA, that lets you direct where the money is invested. The bad news is that many brokerage houses say that their account is self-directed, but they don’t let you invest in anything that they don’t sell – this is not a true self-directed account. A real self-directed retirement account is held by a custodian that doesn’t sell any investments. They can offer you education about different investment opportunities that you can participate in with your IRA, but they are not legally allowed to sell you the investment. Continue reading

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Are You A Quitter?

Here’s some Monday Motivation from my friend Arnfried Klein-Werner of Be Motivated Today:

Success is all about perseverance – not giving up, doing your best, keeping at it – when you would rather quit and rid yourself of the whole ‘mess’.

But when we quit, we can forget about achieving the goal we are working towards. It’s like running a long-distance race – a marathon. At the start, you feel strong and full of enthusiasm, but as the miles take their toll on your energy reserves, you think to yourself, ‘Why am I doing this? This is tough!’ If you decide to quit you are immediately out of the race. It’s over for you. There is no committee that sits down at the end and decides whether or not you should still get a medal. No one says: ‘Ah shame! S/he tried so hard in the beginning, can’t we just give it to him/her?’. No! There is no vote. Continue reading

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Guest Article: Tax Liens On a Budget by Dustin Hahn

Here’s another great article from my friend and colleague, tax lien investing expert, Dustin Hahn.

Like Dustin, I’ve had a few subscribers ask me how they can get started with only $300. Dustin had a great article that tells you just how you can start with as little as $300 and I’d thought that I’d pass it along to you.

How You Can Do Tax Liens On A Budget
by Dustin Hahn

It doesn’t matter if you have $500,000 or $50 you can easily start building your tax lien empire today. The most important detail is that you start NOW. This is truly the best time in history to get into this business. There are more great deals to be picked up than ever before because of the poor economy. Guess what? Economies always bounce back and ours is about to. That means those tax liens or deeds you pick up for a few hundred bucks are going to be worth 10x to 50x what you paid for them. Continue reading

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Florida Online Tax Lien Sales


May is the time for the Florida tax lien sales.

Unlike the Florida deed sales which happen throughout the year, the tax liens sales only happen once a year for each county. But here?s the advantage to the tax liens sales in Florida ? most of them are online. Unlike other states that have online tax lien sales where only a handful of the counties have their tax sales online, almost all of the Florida counties are online. Attending a lot of live tax sales in different counties can be very challenging when they are on the same day and time. But with online tax sales, it?s a little easier because you can put your bids in a head of time. You just need to have a separate budget for each tax sale. Continue reading

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