My 3 Favorite Tax Lien Investing Tools

tax lien investing tool

Want to know about the tax lien investing tools and resources that I use the most? If you’ve been following me, you know that there are smart and not so smart ways to invest in tax liens and tax deeds. I’m all about the smart and easy ways to invest.

Tax lien and tax deed investing has gotten a lot easier since I started investing in tax liens in 2002 and tax deeds in 2005. There are online tools and resources that either didn’t exist when I got started or I just wasn’t aware of then. Some of these resources are free online tools that I use all the time to find upcoming tax sales and research tax sale properties. They make tax lien and tax deed investing a lot easier than it used to be. Most of them are free. Although I do use a paid version for the one resource that I use the most.

In this article, I’ll list the top three tools and resources that I use to make tax lien investing easier, and explain how I use them.

My Favorite Tax Lien Investing Tools:

Tax Sale Finders – This is the tax lien investing tool that I use the most. I use a paid version and I provide the paid version to members of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ and my coaching clients. The first thing that I use this resource for is to find out what tax sales are coming up across the country. I can filter the upcoming tax sales to find just the type of tax sales I’m looking for all across the country or in the state of my choice.

Once I find the tax sale that I’m looking for, I can filter the list of properties in the tax sale. I can filter the list down to a manageable number of properties to research. And I don’t have to waist my time researching properties in areas that I don’t want to invest in, or types of properties I’m not interested in.

Then I can get reports on the properties that I want to research further. The reports include a map showing the parcel boundaries and assessment data, market value of the property (according to the county), mortgage data, any environmental concerns and flood risk. I’ve only described part of what is provided by Tax Sale Resources, but these are the features that I use the most.

If you would like to get access to Tax Sale Finders and learn how use TSF along with the other resources listed in this article to find out what tax sales are coming up around the country, filter the tax sale lists and choose the right properties to bid on, check out the new Tax Sale Success Workshop at – I like to use this free resource to find the best places to invest when I’m going to a tax sale in a state or county where I don’t know the area. I use it to find the best counties in a given state. And to find the best cities or towns to invest in inside any given county. While many of the resources that show real estate values that used to show crime ratings no longer do this, does. So I also use to check crime ratings in areas that I’m considering investing in. – Tax Sale Resources gives the market value of tax sale properties according to the county, but that does not always keep up with the market. So I use Zillow to find a better estimate of what the market value really is. Zillow doesn’t always keep up with the market either. In a lagging market, it is usually a little higher than what the property would sell for. And in a rising market it’s a little lower. But it is still more up to date than the county records.

About Joanne

Joanne Musa is known online as the Tax Lien Lady. She helps people who want to invest their money profitably in tax liens and tax deeds and get high returns on their money without the typical risks of real estate investing or the uncertainty of the stock market. Get your free special report on "7 Steps to Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio" by Clicking Here.
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