Turn Key Real Estate Investing

If you’re a real estate investor you may be having a hard time making a profit today. The real estate market has declined quite a bit in many areas of the country. And in some cities home prices are still declining as more homes are being foreclosed on.

And then there is the fact that bank loans for real estate investors have completely dried up. Banks just aren’t giving loans to real estate investors anymore. The fact is that there are a lot of deals out there, but how do you get profit out of them if you can’t get a loan and it takes so long to sell a property?

There is another way to make a profit in today’s real estate market, and have someone else do all the work for you, so that you can just step in and collect your profit. Did you know that rent is expected to increase as more properties are foreclosed on and ex-home owners become home renters?How would you like to step into a already rehabed and rented cash flow property for 20-50% below it’s retail value and just start collecting the rental checks?

And what if the property that you purchase is not only getting a possitive cash flow but is also in one of the few cities in the US where the population is growing and home prices have been actually rising slightly in the last 3 years instead of falling? So not only are you making money each month on the rent, but the home is actually appreciating in value over time.

Platinum Investment Properties – West is a tax lien investing agent that has been investing in Georgia redeemable deeds for years. But redeemable deeds are not all they invest in. They’ve also been actively buying, rehabing, selling, and renting REO properties in Georgia. They’ve found a stabilized real estate market in Georgia were they are able buy these properties, rehab them, rent them and offer them already rented to investor for up to 20-30% off today’s market value.

Listen to this recording of a webinar with Charles Sells and Don Fullman of PIP-West that explains all about this turn key solution to buying cash flow properties in a market where real estate has stabilized.

Here’s what you’ll learn on this webinar training with Charles Sells and Don Fullman of PIP-West:

  • How you can aquire already rented cash flow properties for up to 30% off today’s market value
  • How to purchase real estate where the market has stabilized and prices have actually been rising in the last 3 years
  • Why rents in some areas will continue to climb dispite what happens to home prices
  • Complete turn key opportunity for investors

Get the recording now at http://TaxLienLady.com/WebinarTraining/TurnKeyREO.html


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Monday Motivation

Here’s another great pearl of wisdom about set goals and changing your life from my friend Arnfried of Be Motivated Today.

I know that sometimes (like this morning) I’m guilty of staying in bed for an extra 30 minutes instead of getting up and getting on the elliptical trainer in my garage and getting my aerobic workout in!

One of the biggest barriers to self-motivation is the discomfort of getting up and working, when it is so much “nicer” to sit in front of the TV or lie in bed for an extra 30 minutes, instead of going to the gym, going for a run, working on that book or spending time with the children.

This potential discomfort keeps most people from being self-motivated. They have decided that it is more pleasurable to be comfortable, than to get uncomfortable, in the pursuit of worthy and exciting goals.

It is a decision that has been made. To overcome this barrier, you have to start by making a decision that your goal is worthy of discomfort. And when you know why you want to achieve that goal, then you can make the decision, that it is more important and of greater value than your comfort.

When I was training for the Comrades Marathon. I had to get up at 5 am on Sunday mornings to go for long training runs of between 20 and 35 kilometres. I had decided that completing the race and getting the medal was more important than a late morning on Sundays. I am not a morning person, but I could easily get up early because the goal was worth the discomfort.

Which of your goals are worth getting uncomfortable for?

I will achieve …
Even if I’ll be uncomfortable
I will work hard at it

Be all you can be.

With Fond Regards

Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO – Be Motivated Today

Want to receive these encouraging and inspiring emails?
Register for a 14-day FR’EE Trial of the Daily PEP-Talk at http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058. Watch a short video and download an e-book on releasing your potential and a report on a unique way to help you create a passive income that actually works. Visit http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058.

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Monday Motivation: Are You Doing It All Yourself?

Here’s another motivational message from Be Motivated Today

Doing everything on your own can be very stressful.

Business owners and managers often handle many tasks that they could delegate to others.

Having the pressure of always having to do basic tasks that can be delegated can cause unnecessary stress and fatigue over time. Sometimes the staff are just not available or skilled to take on the work. This is understandable. But if tasks can be delegated, it is always better to spend a few hours training staff to do things that can save you many hours in the future. Even the mistakes staff may make in the beginning require far less time than continuing to do the tasks yourself.

What tasks can you delegate to others?

Be all you can be.

With Fond Regards

Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO – Be Motivated Today

Want to receive these encouraging and inspiring emails?
Register for a 14-day FR’EE Trial of the Daily PEP-Talk at http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058. Watch a short video and download an e-book on releasing your potential and a report on a unique way to help you create a passive income that actually works. Visit http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058.

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New “Tax Lien Investing Secrets” Videos

Video 1: Investing Safely


This video is the first in my new “Tax Lien Investing Secrets” series. If you like this video and would like to watch the other 9, you can get all of the videos at http://taxlienlady.com/7StepsBlog/?p=119. And if you’re not already a subscriber and want to get the “7 Steps To Building Your Profitable Tax Lien Portfolio”?Special Report, along with the 10 Videos, Self-Directed IRA Audio, and the Tax Lien Investing Tips monthly newsletter you just go to www.TaxLienInvestingSecrets.com to and sign up – it’s all FREE.

Happy and Prosperous Investing,



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Monday Motivation: Believe In Yourself

Believe that you can.

You can get your diploma or degree. You can get that job that you have always wanted. You can start your own business. You can earn a lot of money. You can be a fantastic friend. You can have a wonderful relationship with a permanent partner. You can be an incredible parent.? You can have many wonderful friends. You can lose weight. You can overcome your addiction.

If you don?t believe in yourself, no one else will. Continue reading

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