Monday Motivation: Confidence To Do Anything

Today I have a quote for you that was sent to me by my friends at Be Motivated Today and my own little anecdote:

 “With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence – even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.” – Jim Loehr

I can tell you from experience as an athlete that this is so true….

Yesterday I competed in a masters weightlifting contest. It was my first contest in 2 years and I was a little nervous about coming back to competition. But I also had confidence that I could do it. I was able to break the American Master record for my weightclass and age group. Actually every lift I made was a new record. I made 2 out of 3 snatches and 2 out of 3 clean & jerks and attempted more on my third attempt than I planned. I had enough confidence to make the lifts that I new I could do, but not quite enough confidence to make the ones that I wasn’t sure about. Continue reading

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Answer To A Question About Tax Deed Investing

Here’s a question that I received recently:

“Hello Joanne, I have a question about tax deeds. is it possible to go straight to the homeowner and purchase the deed from them versus going to a tax deed auction?”

And here’s the answer: Continue reading

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Monday Motivation: Past Experiences

Here’s an another inspiring message from Arnfried Klein-Warner of Be Motivated Today:

So often we see our past failures as the final authority for determining that our future is also doomed to failure. Yet millions have failed, tried again and then achieved. You too have had failures that you turned into successes.

Have you recently failed at anything? You can turn even this failure into success. Why should this one be any different?No, really, why should it?? You can learn more, do more, or do it differently. You can achieve it.

We all have achieved certain things in our lives. Academic achievements, sports achievements, career achievements. Yet often we forget them and don’t let them encourage us to do more or try again.

Your past accomplishments are proof that you can do more. Great things have already been achieved, and they indicate that you will still be able to do more in the future. You are older, smarter and wiser.

Failures simply indicate that either you still need to learn some things, or that you were not ready at the time.

Don’t judge your future by your past.

My life is an adventure in achievement
I have done so much
I can do more

Be all you can be,


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Why Smart Investors Are Choosing Tax Liens

Are you concerned about what’s going to happen with the economy in 2012 and how can you prepare for what’s ahead. We just had a webinar training that showed what some of the top financial and economic advisers in North America have to say about what’s in store for the stock market, the U.S. dollar, and the economy in 2012.

Learn how you can prepare for what’s ahead, protect your retirement, and profit from high yielding, real estate guaranteed, U.S. tax lien certificates. 

How would you like to invest your money without worrying about another stock market crash, in an investment where your money will keep getting the same high return regardless of what happens to the market. And what if that return is mandated by state government, and real estate guaranteed, would that be of interest to you? Continue reading

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Prepare, Protect, Profit in 2012

Complimentary Webinar Training

With the Tax Lien Lady

“Why Smart Investors Are Choosing Tax Liens In 2012”

If you have your money in tax lien certificates and the market crashes, you don’t lose a penny! Your tax lien certificates still keep earning interest at the same rate that you got at the tax sale. And if the real estate market doesn’t get any better, it doesn’t matter your tax lien is secure. Even if the real estate market gets even worse your lien retains it’s value. And as long as you do your due diligence you’ll always be profitable.

Some financial experts are predicting dire times ahead for 2012, but I’m not worried, my retirement is secure. Is Yours? It can be if you take the steps now to PREPARE for what’s ahead, PROTECT your retirement, and PROFIT from Tax Liens.

Here are 5 things covered in this training:

1)Why Invest in Tax Liens Now?

2) 5 Simple STEPS to PREPARE to Purchase Profitable Tax Liens

3) How To PROTECT Your Retirement

4) How You PROFIT From Tax Liens and Tax Deeds

5) How To Get STEP BY STEP Instruction

And here’s what a few of the participants had to say about it:

“I love the detailed information on both liens/deeds.”
–Ralon Tims

“Joanne is staight forward and honest with her knowledge… thx Joanne”
–Tracy Joiner

“You seem much more “real” than the hypesters. Thanks for saying that it is not a get rich quick scheme, but an investment!”
–Ann Coss

“I thought the webinar was very informative. Joanne you are very generous to explain the procedure on buying Tax Liens. Thank you”
–Joan Bland

Get the replay of this webinar at no charge by goint to

Happy and Prosperous Investing,


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