Today I have a quote for you that was sent to me by my friends at Be Motivated Today and my own little anecdote:
“With confidence, you can reach truly amazing heights; without confidence – even the simplest accomplishments are beyond your grasp.” – Jim Loehr
I can tell you from experience as an athlete that this is so true….
Yesterday I competed in a masters weightlifting contest. It was my first contest in 2 years and I was a little nervous about coming back to competition. But I also had confidence that I could do it. I was able to break the American Master record for my weightclass and age group. Actually every lift I made was a new record. I made 2 out of 3 snatches and 2 out of 3 clean & jerks and attempted more on my third attempt than I planned. I had enough confidence to make the lifts that I new I could do, but not quite enough confidence to make the ones that I wasn’t sure about. Continue reading
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