Here’s another motivational message from my friend Arnfried at Be Motivated Today. This is one that I have a different opinion about and you can read my response to it in the comments.
We all hate it when things happen all around us and we have no control or part to play in the events. Like when a family member is ill and we can do nothing about. Or when others are struggling and we can’t help them.
But we also hate it if things are not working out in our life and we feel we have no control. Perhaps in our marriage, parenting, friendships or finances. The good news is that you have more control than you think! You want to make things happen yourself and you can. You may feel at times that there is nothing you can do, but most times you can pick up the phone, make a call and get some advice. Then follow the advice. But you have to make the first move. Take the initiative to improve things for yourself.
Here is a joke I heard many years ago: Continue reading →
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