Overcome This Major Obstacle For Tax Lien Investors

If you have a 9-5 job one of the biggest obstacles that you have to overcome to be a successful tax lien investor, once you have the education and know what to do, is that you just don’t have the time to do those things that you know you have to do in order to be successful.

That’s why so many would be investors buy educational programs and then never follow through. But what if you could learn a system of how to outsource all of the work involved and do it at in a way that was very economical so that tax lien or tax deed investing was still very profitable. Continue reading

Posted in Online Investing, Tax Deed Investing, Tax Lien Investing, Working from Home | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Nothing Is Impossible

Here’s a short video clip from my friend Arnfried on how I use a self-talk (or affirmation) card that helps one create a success mindset and possibility thinking.

Watch it at http://www.bemotivatedtoday.com/content.asp?pageId=240&refcode=71058

Below is the self-talk he mentions on the video.

I will Succeed

I’m alive. I’m enthusiastic. I’m fired up. I feel great. I feel fantastic!
Today I will have an incredible day.
I am a Winner and have a winning attitude.

Today I will work hard and put in massive action.
I will do what others are not willing to do.
I will persevere with enthusiasm and determination.
I will plan, and reach my goals. Everything is possible!
I have unlimited potential. I will live with passion throughout this day.
I’ll do what it takes.
I will embrace my opportunities to learn, grow, help, and love people.

I will persevere against all odds.
I will succeed!

Be all you can be!

Want to receive these encouraging and inspiring emails?
Register for a 14-day FR’EE Trial of the Daily PEP-Talk at http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058. Watch a short video and download an e-book on releasing your potential and a report on a unique way to help you create a passive income that actually works. Visit http://www.BeMotivatedToday.com/71058.

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5 Reasons People Fail At Tax Lien Investing

Tax lien investing is a great way to invest safely for high returns without putting your money at risk. I use tax lien investing as a way to invest my money both for the near future, and for retirement. There are plenty of reasons that I see for investing in tax liens in today’s market like: Continue reading

Posted in Tax Lien Investing, Wealth Building | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Monday Motivation: Life’s Ups and Downs

Here’s another motivational message from my friend Arnfried of Be Motivated Today.

Visit the comments to read about my year of incredible ups downs. This last year – from May 2011 to present has been the toughest yet for me personally. But out of what most people would consider something terrible I gained something great.

Go ahead and leave a comment about the ups and downs in your life if you would like to share. I always love reading what my subscribers have to say about what I post, even when it’s not just about tax liens:)

Is life working well for you at the moment? Or are you going through a tough time? Continue reading

Posted in motivation | Tagged | 9 Comments

News You Can Use From RealAuction.com

Here’s a message that I recently received from RealAuction.com with good news for investors in the Florida online auctions.

The institutional buyers might consider it bad news, but it’s good news for the individual investor, because it goes further to level the playing field between the large investors and the small investors by making it more difficult and costly for investors to bid under different tax ID numbers. Continue reading

Posted in Online Investing, Tax Lien Investing | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments