Monday Motivation: Become a Possibility Thinker

Here’s another motivational message that rings true from my friend Arnfried at Be Motivated Today. Read my comment to find out what I have learned about this topic:)

Possibility Thinkers achieve their goals. They are successful and usually wealthy.

How can you become a possibility thinker?

Here’s the short list: Continue reading

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Q & A: Tax Lien Investing In New Jersey

Here are the answers to some recent questions that I got about tax lien investing in New Jersey:

Question: If an investor buys a $8,000 lien and the interest gets bid down to 0%  and the lien holder pays the subsequent taxes, which is another 8k and then in year three, if lucky, he pays another 8k, is the interest in year three is based on the 8k for the year or on 16 k of collective taxed for year two and three? Also, does the investor ever get paid interest on the original amount of tax delinquency paid for the certificate if the interest is bid down to 0%? Continue reading

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Monday Motivation And Comment

Here’s this weeks motivational message from my friend Arnfried at Be Motivated Today.

Be sure to read my comments after the post and feel free to add your own.

John Maxwell likens attitude to the orientation of an aircraft in flight. Just as the aircraft’s orientation in flight (in relation to the horizon) determines the aircraft’s altitude, so our attitude in the flight of life determines our altitude or outcome. For an aircraft to successfully remain in flight it needs to maintain the right orientation – attitude. It needs to maintain the right approach towards the wind of resistance. If the pilot lifts the nose of the aircraft, the wind of resistance will lift the aircraft. But if the pilot lowers the nose of the aircraft, the wind of resistance will force the aircraft down. Continue reading

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From The Field: Tax Sales In New Jersey

I went to a tax lien sale in New Jersey this week and was able to get 2 small tax liens. The tax sales in New Jersey are not like the tax sales in the rest of the country. There are no county tax sales. Everything is done on the municipal level. Each municipality has their own tax sale. This is both good and bad for the investor. Good, because there are over 500 municipalities in NJ and each of them has a tax sale once a year. So you can find a tax sale somewhere in the the state almost any time of the year. Bad, because you have to attend a few tax sales in order to get your money invested. Continue reading

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From The Field: Florida Tax Sales

Florida is the state with the most online tax lien sales. Now that they’re over it’s a good time to take a look at the results and how some of you fared in the Florida tax sales. I always get a few e-mails from new investors that try to participate in the Florida online tax sales. Invariably, they make the mistake of bidding too high on the wrong properties and don’t get anything. Continue reading

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