Monday Motivation: Benefits of Exercise

Here’s some advice from my friend Arnfried at Be Motivated Today on the benefits of exercise that I need to take myself.

I was a personal trainer for 12 years before I became a tax lien investing consultant. And for close to 20 years I’ve been a competitive weightlifter. Now I’m in my 50’s and as I’ve gotten older, and more involved in my business and my family, I’ve gotten a little lazy when it comes to workouts. Especially those aerobic workouts. But I know that I feel better and perform better when I’m physically fit. Plus I have more energy, think better and can cope better when I get my aerobic workout in or even just an abdominal workout and stretching, first thing in the morning. So now I’m making a commitment to do some form of exercise for 20-30 minutes 5 times a week, in addition to my weightlifting workouts.

How about you? Read the post from Arnfried below and decide what you’ll commit to. By the way if you need an extra push to commit to aerobic exercise think about this. Aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the brain and may help your brain cells form more new connections, which can slow down and prevent against alzheimer’s disease. Now that’s motivation, especially if your over 50 like me! Continue reading

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New Tax Lien Investing Kindle Book!

I’ve just published a new booklet on tax lien investing for Amazon Kindle. It’s only .99 and you get it instantantly on your kindle, iPad, or computer.

I was so excited about it that I created this quick video to tell you about it.


If you’ve been on my list a while and you’ve already got one of my courses that this little booklet might have information that you already know. But if you’re new to tax lien investing, this little booklet has information that you’re not going to find anywhere else. You can get it for .99 on Amazon at

I’d love to know what you think about it!

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Monthly Motivation: What Are Your “Be Goals”?

Who you are is more important than what you do…

Goals that describe who you are or who you want to become are more motivating than goals about what you want to do or have.

Here’s a short 1 minute clip from my friend Arnfried of BeMotivatedToday:

In this video clip Arnfried introduced Be Goals and here’s more information that he shares about setting your Be Goals. Continue reading

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Tax Lien Investing Q & A

tax lien investing Q & AHere’s some tax lien investing Q & A. Although the questions were about tax lien investing in New Jersey,  I’ve answered them for other tax lien states as well…

I’ve watched your videos and read your blog and have grown a great interest in tax lien investing. I as well would be investing in NJ and just had a couple of questions.

Question #1: Say I purchased a Lien for 75 dollars. Now what happens if the owner continues to not pay his taxes? Am I paying them? Continue reading

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Tax Lien Investing Overload

Are you overwhelmed with information about Tax Lien Investing and don’t know where to start?

Maybe you’ve been to a seminar and then searched online for information about tax lien investing and found so many different opinions about what is the best way to get started that now you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Or maybe you’ve even purchased a couple of programs and found conflicting advise about how to get started, or what’s the best strategy for making money from tax delinquent properties. After all: Continue reading

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