If you’re headed to Tax Sales in New Jersey this fall, beware of the accelerated tax sales.
What’s An Accelerated Tax Sale?
When you attend a tax sale in New Jersey, most of the time the municipality is selling delinquent taxes from the previous year, so if you went to a sale now you would be buying last years taxes. But at an accelerated tax sale the municipality is selling this years delinquent taxes.
Of What Importance Is That To You – The Investor?
Investors pay premium for tax liens in New Jersey (after bidding down the interest to 0%) for 2 reasons. Firstly, there is a penalty they will receive on lien amounts over $200 (2-4% depending on the amount of the lien). And secondly, once they have a lien, they can pay the subsequent taxes and get the maximum interest rate on the subsequent taxes paid. Continue reading
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