Special Tax Lien Investing Training In Phoenix Arizona

ArizonaIf you live in or around Arizona, you’ll want to know about this special tax lien investing training in Phoenix Arizona, April 10-12. The Arizona tax sales are over, and it wasn’t a pretty sight, many of the good liens were bid at rates of under 5% interest. But there were still plenty of left over liens.

The liens that are not bid on are struck off to the county, and become available for investors to purchase “over-the-counter” at the maximum interest rate (16%). Most of these leftover liens are on undesireable parcels, but a few good properties do get on this list. Continue reading

Posted in Tax Lien Investing | 2 Comments

Tax Lien Investing Quick Tip On Over The Counter Tax Liens

Here’s a short video with a tax lien investing quick tip for you on over the counter tax liens…

This is something that I haven’t really recommended for new investors in the past. But now I have 2 secret weapons to help you with this strategy – my friends at Fortris, LLC who are THE EXPERTS at buying OTC liens and deeds and their amazing new research tool, The Research Assistant. This new little piece of software makes it a lot easier to find those nuggets of gold that are hiding in that left-over tax lien list! It’s like finding needles in a haystack with a giant magnet!!

Watch the video to learn more about OTC liens and how you can the tools and hands-on, done-with-you training from myself and the experts at Fortris…..
Then go to www.TaxLienLady.com/done-with-you to learn more.

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Online Tax Lien Sales: Avoiding The Competition


Depreciation of the percentThe Arizona online tax lien sales are done for this year. If you’ve participated in any of these online auctions you know that the bidding has reached new lows. All of the decent properties were bid at under 5% and in some counties under 3% (ouch)! Most of the Arizona counties are very attractive to institutional buyers, perhaps because most of the counties in Arizona will allow only one tax lien certificate to be sold on any property. That means that if you purchase a tax lien, and the subsequent taxes go unpaid, your lien will be sold with the current lien in next year’s tax sale. Why is this attractive to institutions? Because they know they will get paid, they don’t even have to wait out the redemption period. They only need to wait until the following year’s tax sale.  Continue reading

Posted in Investing For Foreigners, Online Investing, Tax Lien Investing, tax sales | 11 Comments

Are Over-The-Counter Tax Liens And Deeds Deals Or Duds?

pros-and-consI get a lot of questions and comments about over-the-counter tax liens and deeds. Many beginners want to know how to buy liens or deeds directly from the county and circumvent the auctions. They’ve been told that there are always leftovers available and that you can avoid the competition at the tax sale by purchasing left-over tax liens or tax deeds directly from the county instead of bidding on them at the auction. Continue reading

Posted in Tax Lien Investing | 2 Comments

The Easy Button For Tax Lien And Tax Deed Investing

Watch this short quick tip video to find out about what I call the easy button for tax lien and tax deed investing:

Posted in Due Diligence, Tax Deed Investing, Tax Lien Investing | 3 Comments