Tax Lien Assignments – What You Need To Know

profitabe_portfolioIf you’re selling your tax lien to another investor or buying a tax lien from an investor, there are things you’ll need to know about tax lien assignments.

Tax Lien Assignment

When you buy a tax lien from any person or entity other than the taxing district or county, or when you sell a tax lien to another investor, you need to do a tax lien assignment. Some states (like the state of Florida) make this an easy (and inexpensive) process. In Florida the lien is simply transferred from one entity to another and the cost for such a transfer is minimal ($2.50). Continue reading

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Tax Lien Investing Events At

Here’s what’s new and what tax lien investing events are coming up at…

July 31:

Early Bird Deadline for Tax Liens Fast Cash Training. The last day to get this training at the introductory price is July 31. You can save $100 on this training now before the price goes the date

You can find out more about the Tax Liens Fast Cash system for getting your profit upfront from your tax liens without waiting out long redemption periods at:

August 5:

TaxLienLady’s Q & A Teleseminar This month I’ll be answering your questions about investing in tax liens and tax deeds.You can join me for this complimentary webinar on Wednesday August 5, at 8:30 pm Eastern Time. Register now and submit your questions at:

August 8:

Tax Liens Fast Cash Bonus Webinar When you purchase the Tax Liens Fast Cash training by July 31, you also get invited to a special bonus webinar where you can get all your questions answered about the Tax Liens Fast Cash system. Log in to the Tax Liens Fast Cash training web site to get the webinar details.

This is also the last day to order Done-For-You Due Diligence for the Oxford NJ tax saleThis tax sale is online! For more information about Done-For-You Tax Sales go to

August 19:

Member Training The next member training for the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator is, Wednesday August 19 at 1pm Eastern Time/10am Pacific Time. Learn  more about member benefits at:

This is also the last day to order Done-For-You Due Diligence for the Boonton NJ tax sale. For more information about Done-For-You Tax Sales go to

If you have any questions about any of these dates or events, please let me know.

I look forward to helping you profit!

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What’s Better Than Secondary Tax Liens?


I like purchasing secondary tax liens from investors that I know and trust. By purchasing secondary tax liens you can avoid bidding at the tax sale. You still have to do your due diligence, but if you’re purchasing from an investor or entity you can trust sometimes they will actually do all the due diligence before they assign the lien to you. There are things to watch out for when purchasing secondary liens but it makes your work a whole lot easier since the original investor did most of the work and the bidding at the tax sale. You can purchase a lien that’s ready to foreclose. If the lien redeems sometime during the foreclosure process, you get redeemed right away and your money isn’t tied up for the entire redemption period. One of my coaching clients made 30% on his investment in only 9 months with this strategy!

So what’s better than secondary tax liens? Continue reading

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Ask The TaxLienLady: Answers to Questions About Tax Lien Investing

stockxpertcom_id18880391Here are the answers to questions about tax lien investing that I’ve received these last couple of weeks …

How Interest Is Calculated On Tax Liens

Question: When a tax lien certificate redeems do I get compound interest?

Answer: No, the interest is not compounded. In states that give an annualized interest rate, the interest is added either monthly or daily (depending on the state) and is calculated on the certificate amount.

How Foreign Investors Can Invest in US Tax Liens Without Coming To The US

Question: Is there a course that covers how a foreigner can invest in US tax liens without a US bank account and tax ID number? Continue reading

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Real Estate Investing Secret Weapon

Attention Real Estate InvestorsBack when the real estate market really started to tank. I don’t think anyone really knew how bad it was going to get. Ultimately, the crash happened, and most real estate businesses were simply crushed out of existence with a few exceptions. In the years leading up to the bust, there was a real estate investing secret weapon being perfected and used by an elite few.  A weapon that enabled these secret few to get real estate leads “On Demand” virtually any time they wanted. They called it the internet, lol! Who would have thought?!?!

My friend, David Corbaley, is the creator of a strategy for using this secret weapon. He used his experience and strategies from his commando days – when he was an Army Green Beret, so it’s easy to take him serious.

Not only did it work, the masters that used this secret weapon properly not only survived, but thrived during the real estate bust. And today, those same elites are still killing it!

David’s course shows you how to get leads directly to your inbox. Keeping you one step ahead of the game. He has taken his personal experience in the world of real estate and brought it to our finger tips. The speed and accuracy in this method is limitless to the opportunities that it brings to the table.

Leads are the missing link in any business. With David’s commando Leads System you are guaranteed to have them sent into your inbox on a regular basis getting you one step ahead of the game. I know because I have recently investing in David’s course myself, and here’s why I did:

  1. The price point was a no brainer, so much education from a master for a really great price!
  2. The marketing principals of this program can be applied to any business, not just real estate investing and I wanted to learn them.

And you can learn more about this The Real Estate Commando Lead System HERE.

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