Build Your Wealth In The New Year

What are you doing to build your wealth in the new year?

Wow, I can’t believe another year has gone by. I was reading my post from January 1 of 2023, and it seems like it was a long time ago. What a difference a year can make!

Last year I spent New Years Day at home with COVID for the second time. This year I had all this energy and I found myself doing things around the house. Odd things that I had not planned like:

  • Cleaning my front door.
  • Buying evergreen shrubs put on either side of the door.
  • Replacing the old beat-up door mat with a new one.
  • Dressing up my dining room table…

And a few more things I won’t mention, but you get the idea. I was inspired by one of the speakers for the upcoming Wealth Building Conference that we’re doing starting January 15!

My Inspiration

This will be my 4th annual Wealth Building Conference and like last year, it’s virtual and all pre-recorded. So, I’ve been interviewing experts for the on different topics of building wealth over the last couple of weeks. One of these experts is a Feng Shui expert who talked about Feng Shui for wealth. I was so inspired by her that I started making some changes in and around my home to invite in more wealth for 2024. When you hear her interview, maybe you’ll get some ideas of how to move your stuff and create wealth!

Each of the experts that I’m interviewing for this year’s Wealth Building Conference are so inspiring. I’m interviewing experts on topics like

  • How your kids can get paid to go to college.
  • Philanthropy and other attitudes of the wealthy.
  • How to make money twice on your investments.
  • Plus 4 experts on real estate investing strategies that are working great in today’s market.
  • And 2 mystery experts that I’m not going to divulge yet.

What are your plans for the new year?

I also spent some time with my husband today talking about our plans for the coming year. We talked about things we would like to do this year and habits we’d like to start. Like eating a green salad every day, starting a regular exercise program, cutting down on drinking wine and bear, eating more fruits and veggies, fixing up specific areas in our home, getting a new car.

More importantly we talked about the little steps that we’re each going to take this week to get us closer to our goals. I’m going to check out the local YMCA, it’s the only place around here that has a pool. I’m also going to find someone to start work on the room that we’ve been talking about renovating for the last couple of years. And we’re going to look through FB marketplace for local used cars for sale that fit our criterion.

What are your plans for the new year and how will you accomplish them?

Build Your Wealth in 2024

One of things that I’ll be doing in January is continuing to interview experts for the 2024 Wealth Building Conference on how to attract more money into your life, manage your money better, and make your money work harder for you. I’ll be delivering these recorded interviews starting January 15 to everyone who registers for the event.

This year the conference will be all pre-recorded, so you don’t have to show up at a specific time to watch the interviews, and we’ll have more than 10 experts for you to learn from. There will be something for everyone. And the best part is you can sign up for free! Register now at and get ready to make 2024 your best year ever!

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Due Diligence For Tax Liens And Tax Deeds

How important is evaluating tax sale properties before you bid?

Did you know that you can lose money by not doing due diligence for tax liens or tax deeds correctly? Tax lien and tax deed investing, can be very profitable. Tax Lien investing is a way that you can earn interest rates that you can’t get in a bank CD anymore. And it’s more secure than the stock market because it’s not a speculative investment. There is real property backing it up. But did you know that you can lose money on  your tax lien or tax deed if…

  • You choose the wrong place to invest
  • You buy liens or deeds on the wrong properties
  • You fail to carry out the state specific responsibilities of the tax lien or tax deed holder after you purchase a tax lien or deed?

There are different reasons that people come to me for mentoring or coaching to invest in tax liens or tax deeds. Some just don’t know how to start and want to learn the ropes and do it correctly. Others want to find the best places to invest and have access to the tools and resources that help them pick the right properties to bid on without putting in a lot of time and effort. And others come to me so that they can avoid costly mistakes. Mistakes like not evaluating the tax sale properties correctly before bidding.

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Winter Tax Sales

winter tax sales

We are nearing the end of 2023 and 2024 is upon us, with new opportunities and possibilities. Here at we are getting ready to help you get the most out of the 2024 winter tax sales!

There are plenty of tax sales that take place in late December through March and some of them are online. In the next 2 months there are tax sales in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

I recommend that, if possible, you sit in on a couple of tax sales before you actually bid at one. That way, you’ll understand how the bidding works and you’ll know just how far down interest is being bid or how high premiums are usually bid before actually bidding at the sale. This will let you know just how much money you need and whether it’s worth it, before you spend a lot of time researching tax sale properties and getting ready for the tax sale. You’ll also find out exactly what procedures need to be followed at the tax sale, and what you need to have in place beforehand.

I’ll be helping a handful of investors through some of these tax sales, including the Arizona online tax sales, in the next couple of months. Our next Advanced Tax Lien Investing Secrets (ATLIS) live virtual training starts in January 2024. If you’ve been sitting on the fence because you don’t know how to get started, maybe now is the time for you to jump down off that fence and participate! And get step-by-step, real-time instruction from an expert!

I haven’t done this training for the winter tax sales since 2018 and I may not be doing it again! We’re going to kick off our intensive training with a bonus quick start call on Tuesday January 9, 2024, and our first lesson will be ready on Monday January 22.

Plus, we will have bonus content for you to consume before we even start!

Not sure if this is right for you? Tune in to our next free 90-minute workshop Thursday, December 21, 2024, to find out. Registration information will be coming soon.

Still have questions? send them to me at

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What If What They Say About Tax Lien Investing Is Wrong?

.If you take a look at successful people in any field, more often than not you’ll find that they did the exact opposite of what everyone else was doing or what they were “supposed” to do. This is especially true when it comes to investments. The truth is that what they say about tax lien investing is wrong…

And that is the inspiration for our next live free upcoming workshop “Tax Lien Investing Fall Training” on Thursday, October 12, at 7pm Eastern Time.

Register Here=>>

You see, I realized I’m not doing what everyone else is in the real estate and tax lien investing “training” industry. In fact, I’ll take it one step further – I think what’s being touted as the “truth” and “right way” to invest in tax liens is completely WRONG.

And the best part? YOU already know this. You sense it in your gut. Something’s gotten rotten in this industry and until now, NO ONE has been willing to shine a light on it. There’s a reason why the tax lien and deed investing experts aren’t teaching this, and I’m going to reveal this and more!

Here’s what else you’ll learn on this FREE training:

  • Discover the ONE THING I did differently than everybody else that allowed me to average double-digit profits on the liens I’ve purchased in the last few years while everyone else is low single digit returns
  • The exact steps I follow to build a profitable portfolio of tax liens!
  • How to get paid on your tax liens without waiting for the end of the redemption period
  • How to buy profitable tax liens without going to the tax sale and without buying leftovers!
  • A simple technique that I use with my students to find the best places to invest.  And it will work for you too!
  • And much more…

If you’ve ever been on one of my free calls, you know they are content-rich and loaded with the EXACT strategies I use and tons of “how-tos” you can implement immediately.

Here’s that link again to reserve your spot in this complimentary training.

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Invest For High Returns Without Undue Risk

Are you missing out on these opportunities to invest your money for high returns without undue risk? Tax lien investing is a way to get high returns on your money that is guaranteed by real property and local government law. Tax deed investing is a way to acquire tax defaulted property under market value. Find out if you’re missing opportunities happening now to invest your money at high returns without the risk of the stock market or other speculative investments…

Are You Missing Out on These Opportunities to Invest for High Returns Without Undue Risk?

If you have at least $5000 to invest-

You can buy tax liens at the live tax sales. From now (the middle of September) until this time next month there are 90 tax sales coming up in New Jersey and more than half of them are live tax sales. You need at least $10,000 to invest in the online tax sales in NJ, but you can start with a lot less money at the live tax lien auctions. There are 50 Indiana counties and 22 Kentucky counties with live tax sales happening in the next month. These tax sales only happen once a year, so now is the time to start in these states. In Indiana you can make 10-15% on your money and in Kentucky 12%. In New Jersey you can get up to a 24% return on your investment!

If you have at least $10,000 to invest – 

You can be successful at the online tax lien auctions in New Jersey and Indiana. You do need a little more money to invest in the online tax lien sales than you do for the live auctions. Some of these sales require deposits. Most of the online tax sales in New Jersey have a minimum $1000 deposit. And they use your deposit to set your budget for the online auction. They won’t award you any more tax liens once you reach your budget amount. The deposit is considered to be 10% of your budget. So, if you put in the minimum amount of $1000, you need to have a budget of $10,000. And that is for every tax lien auction that you register for.

If you have at least $15,000 to invest –

You can buy redeemable deeds and deeds on land in the live and online deed and redeemable deed auctions. Texas and Georgia have counties that hold redeemable deed auctions on the first Tuesday of every month. Other redeemable deed states that have tax sales coming up in the next month are Tennessee, South Carolina, Connecticut, Delaware. Philadelphia PA has redeemable deed auctions online almost every month.

If you have at least $25,000 to invest – 

You have a lot more options, you can start going after residential properties at any of the tax sales including the online and live deed auctions. But if you want to buy the nicer properties in better areas you’ll need to have even more – at least $50,000. The better areas with more valuable properties will demand even more. Especially in the west coast and east coast states where property values are high.

If you have money that is just sitting around and not keeping up with inflation and you’re ready to invest for higher returns, then tax lien and tax deed investing is a great option. But you do have to know what you’re doing and do it right. If you’ve already tried going to tax sales but haven’t quite figured out how to make the money that you’ve heard is possible, then maybe it’s time to learn from an expert teacher.

The More Money You Want to Invest, the More Important it is to do it Right!

I’ve been investing in tax liens in a few different states for over 20 years. And I’ve been investing in tax deeds and helping investors to buy profitable tax liens and tax deeds in different states for over 15 years. Here’s one of the things that I’ve noticed over the last few years of doing this. The more money you have to invest, the more important it is to do it right. You can lose money if you don’t invest in the right places, on the right properties, and follow the right procedures. I can help you avoid the mistakes that a lot of new investors (and even experienced investors) make that cost them time and money.

The 6 Things You Need to Know About Tax Lien or Tax Deed Investing

bidding in the online tax salesThere are 6 things you need to know about tax lien or tax deed investing before you get started:

  1. The Statutory Interest Rate – this is the rate that the county charges delinquent taxpayers and the rate that investors get when it is not bid down at the tax sale.
  2. The Bidding Method – what is actually bid at the sale, whether the amount paid for the lien is bid up or the interest rate is bid down, or something else entirely is bid, or there is no bidding at all and winners are randomly chosen.
  3. The Redemption Period – the period of time that the property owner has to redeem the lien or redeemable deed before the lien holder can foreclose on the property.
  4. The Expiration Period – the “life” of the tax lien, after which the lien will expire worthless if there is no action taken by the investor.
  5. How Subsequent Taxes are Handled – whether or not the lien holder gets to pay the subsequent taxes if the property owner doesn’t pay them and what interest or penalties are paid on the subsequent tax payments.
  6. Additional Penalties – are there additional penalties that the lien holder gets when the lien or redeemable deed redeems?

These 6 things make a huge difference in your profit and are the reason why tax lien investing is very different in different states. The section above is taken from my book, Tax Lien Investing Secrets. In the book, I also give examples of these differences in 4 very different tax lien investing states. The first step to getting started the right way is choosing the right place to invest. And that is the first thing that I help my clients do.

Here’s what I help investors to do:

  • Find the right tax sales to attend based on your goals, your location, and how much money you have to invest
  • Choose the right properties to bid on to maximize your chance of having success at the tax sale and getting better returns on your investment
  • Know how to protect your investment and maximize your return
  • Have the tools and resources to quickly and easily research tax sale properties
  • Have a winning strategy for Tax Sale Success!

To learn more, go ahead and hop on my calendar and book a free 15-minute strategy session with me. I look forward to talking with you.

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