Free Gifts From

free-gifts-from-taxlienlady.comThere are 2 very valuable free gifts from So if you haven’t taken advantage of these yet, you might want to do it now…

Get Your Free Gifts From

The first is a free Profit Planning Strategy Session that I offer to anyone who needs help getting started with investing in tax liens or tax deeds. This is for you if you have money to invest in tax liens but you’re not sure how to get started. It’s especially for you if you know you need help, but don’t know which program is right for you.

I have programs and mentoring services that can get you started in the next 30 days! And you can get a no cost Profit Planning session with me to see which is the right program for you. You can get yours when you fill out the form at

I give away more valuable information for free than you’ll get in most paid seminars. Just check out the other posts on this blog or videos on my YouTube Channel at, and you’ll see.

The second free gift I have for you is my Sweet 16 Tax Sale Websites swipe file. This is a list of 16 tax sale websites. These are the actual websites that sell tax sale properties in different states around the country. And that’s not all, you’ll also get my special quick start video and my 5 point tax lien investing checklist! Just go to to grab your copy!

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Are You Frustrated With Investing In Tax Liens?

frustrated-with-investing-in-tax-liensHas investing in tax liens got you frustrated for any of these reasons:

  • You have a large amount of money to invest and are finding it difficult to purchase tax liens or redeemable deeds for decent returns
  • You’re having trouble doing your due diligence and you’re afraid that you might lose money by bidding on properties that aren’t any good
  • You’ve done your due diligence on tax sale properties and you know what properties to bid on. You’ve been to a few tax sales, but you just can’t figure out how to win profitable bids against competitors that are bidding down the interest way too low or bidding up the price way too high

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Here’s How To Get Honest Help With Tax Lien Investing

tax lien investing studentLast fall I conducted a tax lien investing training and one of my students, Gloria Hahn, from Pennsylvania, wrote me a wonderful letter about her experience with my training. Here are just some excerpts from her letter, and all the emphasis is hers

“If you are looking like I did for a ‘teacher’ and not another rip-off… sincerely, Joanne Musa the Tax Lien Lady is IT if you want to learn about tax liens and tax deeds….

She’s so simple, clear and step-by-step…

There wasn’t ONE thing she missed, She teaches step by step full circle…She told us loads of websites she herself uses and loads of FREE guides, even one on each state and their rules. Continue reading

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Is Zero Interest Credit Too Good To Be True?

Enjoy this guest article about zero interest credit by business funding expert Ari Page…zero percent interest

The old adage is that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Browsing through your mail, you’ve likely come across no interest credit solicitations from various institutions and wondered how they can do that. In the case of zero interest credit, the adage actually doesn’t apply.

To understand how they can do it, you must consider how banks operate. Modern banks operate through the use of short term financing and interbank loans, which are used for lending and, in turn, profitmaking. In other words, if a bank isn’t lending money, it isn’t making money. Since the great recession hit, interest rates have remained at historic lows and banks have been able to borrow at near zero percent from the Federal Reserve. Banks will then lend funds out through a variety of products, with a variety of terms. Again, with rates at historic lows, banks are able offer better rates to their customers. Continue reading

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Get Low Cost Funding For Your Deals

One of the questions that I get frequently is: “how can I get low cost funding for my deals?”

While I don’t recommend borrowing money to invest in tax liens, since it could take months or even years before you get paid, it is advantageous to have a low cost source of money to borrow for purchasing tax deed properties or for foreclosing on tax liens that are at the end of the redemption period. When you go to a tax deed sale, you have to have money in hand, you don’t have time to get a loan. You don’t even get a chance to inspect the property before hand, and at many tax sales, you are expected to pay when you are awarded the bid. So it really is helpful to have a source of funding for money that you can take with you to the tax sale.

Also if you are investing in real estate, especially in bank foreclosed properties and HUD deals, even if you have a funding partner, you’ll have to come up with earnest money. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to get that earnest money at 0% interest? Well you can, in fact you may be able to larger amounts of money at 0% interest. And next week I’ll be hosting a very informative webinar with a couple of financial experts that will show you just how it can be done! But the first step is becoming lendable. So here are some tips on how you can become lendable in 5 easy steps from my friends Ari and Mike at… Continue reading

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