Get Profitable Tax Lien Investments With This…

I’m giving away the same tax lien management software that I use for my own profitable tax lien investments to the next 3 people that enroll in my Inner Circle Elite Coaching and coach with me for the next 3 months.
Watch this short video to get the details…

Find out more about the Inner Circle Elite Monthly mentoring program at

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The Right Way To Get Tax Sale Overages

Shawn Buige

Shawn Buige

What’s wrong with collecting finder’s fees for tax sale overages?

  1. If you work tax sale overages without an attorney, even if they provide the forms for you, you could fail most of the time.
  2. If you use a structured buyout but give a low initial pay, you’ll fail.
  3. If you use a power of attorney from the claimant or an assignment, you will also fail because most Counties cut the check in the claimant’s name even if there’s an assignment or power of attorney, and you won’t be able to cash it.

That’s why folks partner with my friend Shawn Buige of – they buy claimants out with their money; that locks the deal down, and this makes both you and them far more competitive – they win for you!

How They Are Different

Shawn and his team are doing these deals every day. They know what it takes to get tax sale overages done the right way. They don’t just sell a course, they actually partner with you and do most of the work! They’ve been doing this for 14 years and they know what works and what doesn’t. They teach you how to get the lists and how to research deals. They can find the claimant for you, and strike a deal to buy them out! They check the title. They will partner with you, or teach you how to do it on your own.

Find out more about the right way to get tax sale overages when you watch this free live training with Shawn Buige and The Tax Lien Lady.  You can get it Right Here Now at:

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Tax Lien Profits Accelerator Case Study

Here’s a short tax lien investing quick tip video for you.

This quick tip tells you about a case study of one members of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator, to show you just one example of the impact that being a member can have for you. If you’re fed up with the returns that you’re getting on your tax liens or redeemable tax deeds, you’ll want to pay attention to this video. And if you’ve been wanting to start investing in tax liens but haven’t gotten going yet because you think that you’re missing some key information or you’re not sure if this is for you, or you’re afraid of the competition, than watch this video.

It tells the story of one member who was able to get properties in 3 different states and great returns on her tax liens, once she became a member of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™.

Find out more about the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ at And when you scroll down to the bottom of that page, you’ll find a link to get my State Guide for free! This guide tells you which states sell tax liens and which states sell tax deeds, and it gives a summary of how tax sales work in each state.

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Start Making Money on Profitable Tax Lien Certificates!

learn to invest in profitable tax liensNeed help getting profitable tax lien certificates?

Or not making as much as you thought you would?

Maybe it’s time to do something different, like…

  • Learn new strategies for investing in highly profitable tax lien certificates and redeemable tax deeds
  • Get connected the right people and the right strategies that can get you cash flowing properties or high yielding tax lien certificates
  • Get the education and training that you need to start profiting now from someone who has the reputation and experience that you can trust

Take the first step…

Go to  to watch a free video and download your free copy of TaxLienLady’s ™ State Guide.

Join TaxLienLady’s™ Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ and get the Tax Lien Investing Basics course (a $297 value) as a free bonus with your membership, to help you get profitable tax lien certificates or redeemable deeds by finding the right places to invest!

Joanne Musa, known online as the TaxLienLady™, has been helping people from all over the U.S. and Canada invest profitably in U.S. tax liens and tax deeds for over 10 years. Here’s what a member of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ has to say about it…

“I’ve been with Joanne, the Tax Lien Lady for almost 2 years. I’ve attended other tax lien programs, but she has made the biggest impact on my tax lien business. With the changing and more competitive tax lien market, I found myself only getting 3-5% of interest investing in tax liens where I used to get 9-11%. I needed to do something different and learn about other states and markets! I’m so happy I became a member with the tax lien lady!

Thanks to Joanne and her connecting me to the right people, I now own a cash flowing rental in another state, I’m expecting deeds on 3 more houses in the next 3 weeks, and I own tax liens that are making 16-36%, all in states I’ve never been to. I recently foreclosed on a piece of land in Arizona by myself without a lawyer! And I just attended live auctions in my home state as a confident bidder buying tax liens for my 401K account! Joanne taught me what made me a successful tax lien investor in today’s market! I can fully trust her recommendations and extensive experience!”

~Birgit from Colorado

Find out more about the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™, and how membership can help you get profitable tax liens or tax deeds at

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Tax Lien Investing Basics: What Are Penalties For Tax Liens?

tax lien investingRecently I received this question about tax lien investing. “I understand getting interest on your liens.  I do not understand penalties.  Does this mean that if you bought a lien, to get the deed to the property you would have to pay an additional penalty?”   

The short answer to this question is no, if you purchase a lien in a state that has a penalty, you do not have to pay an additional penalty to get the deed to the property. A penalty is something that the property owner has to pay in order to redeem the lien or deed.

6 Things You Need To Know

Before I answer this question more thoroughly, I’d like to review the 6 things that you need to know before you invest in tax liens or redeemable tax deeds. The reason that I want to review this is that the statutory interest rate is #1 and penalties are #6 on this list. Each of these items listed can make a huge difference in your profit when it comes to investing in tax liens or redeemable tax deeds. They also make tax lien and redeemable tax deed investing very different in each state. Here are the 6 things you need to know before investing in any state: Continue reading

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