Want To Know How To Buy Tax Liens Online?

I’m just getting back to the business of how to buy tax liens online. I just got back from a Master Mind retreat with a bunch of dynamic tax lien investors. We are all VIP members of Investor Comps Online. This was the second Master Mind that I participated in. It’s always extremely educational and a growth experience as well as a lot of fun. I love spending time with other like minded individuals. We all learn from one another and from our fearless leader, Mark Jackson, affectionately known as MJ. On this cruise we were also blessed with special presentations from MJ’s lovely (and brilliant) wife, Lynn.

I’ll share more with you about the Master Mind cruise in the near future, but right now I want to tell you about a free live webinar I’ll be doing on Wednesday August 30th. Now that I’m back from my working vacation, it’s time to get back to work. I’ve been very busy updating the Buying Tax Liens Online course just in time for the new online tax sales that are going on now. Want to learn how to buy tax liens online, find out what states have online tax lien sales and which of these sales are coming up now. And more importantly, how you can participate in them? Then you’ll want to register now for our next free webinar “Buying Tax Liens Online Now!”

Get The Replay Now

In this special free training, I explain why you might want to start investing in tax liens, and how you can do it from the comfort of your home. I let you know which states have online tax sales, the 4 critical things you should know before you invest, and my 5 step process for buying profitable tax liens. You can get this exclusive training right now at http://buyingtaxliensonline.com/wp/free-webinar.

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Another Online Tax Lien Sale This Summer!

Buying Tax Liens OnlineThere is a county in a state, that’s never had an online tax sale that will conduct its first tax lien sale online. I am in the process of updating the Guide To Online Tax Lien Sales, that comes with the Buying Tax Liens Online course with this information. And in our next Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ member training, I’ll be giving a mini training on how to register for this tax sale.

Only 2 Ways to Participate in this Tax Sale

The thing is, in this state, not everyone can participate in tax lien sales. There are only 2 ways to participate in this tax sale. And you’ll find out what they are in my Buying Tax Liens Online program and in the upcoming member training.

How to Get the Buying Tax Liens Online Course Free

Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ members get the Buying Tax Liens Online course with their membership. There are 2 ways you can get this course, you can purchase the course for $297 or you can become a member of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™, and get it for free. Monthly members get the program added to their membership after 2 months, but yearly members and quarterly members get it immediately when they register. Plus they save over $200 a year on their membership. You can find out more about membership to the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ at http://TaxLienLady.com/MembershipMain.htm.

Just want the Buying Tax Liens Online Course?

You can find out more about online tax lien sales around the country in the newly updated Buying Tax Liens Online Program. Discover where to find the tax sale information, how to register for these tax sales and how to bid on tax sale properties online. Find out more at www.buyingtaxliensonline.com

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TaxLienLady’s State Guide – Inspiring Testimonial

Here is heart warming testimonial that I received from Dan about how he bought his own home and left his dead end job after acting on what he learned in  TaxLienLady’s State Guide.

“Thank you Joanne, you are a very inspiring person.”

I just gotta tell you this I was working in at a dead end carnival job. Well, I always wanted a way out and wanted to own my home. I didn’t even have a place to call home besides living in bunk houses on the road. So I started looking online for ways to buy my own home for little money because I wanted to get in on real estate investing. I got your State Guide and read it 3 times. Then I had an idea on what to do.

I started studying Arkansas. I went to the commissioner of state lands web site, I couldn’t make heads or tails on how to even start researching the property info or really what to do so I plugged away at it an read everything inside and out it’s really very simple. I studied and researched some more, and now I don’t work for the carnival anymore. I own 2 homes and I’m planning to buy more fixer uppers to rent out. I am also currently ready to sell one of the houses I have a buyer. Isn’t that awesome!

I am also planning on starting a paintball field. You gave me hope, And inspired me to more than just buy an sell houses. I am going to use the buy an hold strategy to start a rental buisness.

Here’s a picture of one of house’s I’m currently working on. Thank you Joanne.

~ Dan Lutz

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7 Things You Need To Know Before Investing in Tax Liens

Enjoy this Guest Article about what you need to know before investing in tax liens by Preston Guyton, Managing Partner of CRG Companies.

Investing in tax liens can be a way to get a great return on your money, but you can’t always get good liens at good interest rates that will pay off. When you understand the basics of tax liens, though, you have a better chance of being a successful tax lien investor.

Here are the top seven things to remember when buying tax liens. Continue reading

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Independence From Investments That Make Others Rich!

It was this time of year, 15 years ago, when I started my independence from investments that make others rich instead of me!

It all started when I went to tax sales in New Jersey and purchased my own tax lien certificates. Then I met another investor who asked me if I would invest for him. Besides learning the tax lien investing business for myself, I also hired a few other people and trained them on how to research tax sale properties and bid at the tax sale. Then I realized that people all over the country and even other parts of the world wanted information on how to invest in tax liens. Continue reading

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