Investing For Success Free Training

Investing For Success Free TrainingI’m so excited to share with you my brand new FREE “Investing For Success” 3 part training series! Our first workshop on “Restore The Years The Locusts Have Eaten – Invest Your Money for High Returns Without Speculation,” was just last Thursday. I did a Facebook Live workshop while I was on vacation!

My Goal in part one of the training was simple: to let you know about a way to invest your money for high return without the typical risks of real estate investing or the uncertainty of the stock market.

If you already know me, you know that the way to do this that I’m talking about is investing in tax lien certificates and tax deeds.

You might already know about the benefits of investing in tax liens, but you just don’t know where or how to get started.

That’s where the rest of this video series can help!

If you haven’t seen video #1 yet, go watch it now…

And register to get in on the rest of the training:

Just Click Here To Register Now!

And I’m really excited to be bringing you part 2 of our Investing For Success training series on “What’s Possible With Tax Lien Investing” today, Tuesday, September 10 at 2pm Eastern time!

Tax lien investing is so different in every state, and in some states, it can change from county to county. Anyone who says they’re an expert at tax lien investing in every state in the US is probably pulling your leg. There are some states that don’t sell tax liens, and some where quite frankly it’s not worth it to purchase them.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m doing this 3-part free online Investing For Success training series. You can watch the very first training HERE.

During this training I talked about how I got started investing in tax liens. And I went over what a tax lien is and what the difference is between a tax lien and a tax deed. I also gave all the participants a copy of my State Guide, which gives a summary of how tax sales are conducted in every state.

In our next training session, I’ll show you what is possible with tax lien investing and give you a 5 point checklist to help you get started.

The video replays and the exclusive Facebook group (where we’re delivering the training) will be kept up for a short time – maybe only a week after we have our last session, so make sure to join our exclusive FB Group and watch these live workshops as they happen or watch the replays as soon as you can. You’ll get all the details on how to join and download your copy of Tax Lien Lady’s Tax Lien Investing State Guide, when you join the free training!

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7 Percent Return on Investment in 6 Months!

Can you really make a 7 percent return on your money in only 6 months with tax liens?

One of my newer students, Satomi B. from Brooklyn, NY did. She got a 7 percent return on money that she invested last December. She bought 14 tax liens that all redeemed by June of this year! By the way, Satomi doesn’t even drive! She took the train and bus to go to tax sales in different areas of New Jersey from her home in Brooklyn, NY. Just watch the short one and half minute video below and listen to her tell her story.

It just goes to show that yes you can still get decent returns on your tax liens, even in very competitive states like New Jersey, IF you pick your tax sales, and the properties you bid on carefully. In fact, she got most (but not all) of her tax liens at 18% per annum. If they were held for at least a year, she would have got a double digit return on her money. But hey 7% in 6 months is nothing to sneeze at when you can’t even get 2% in a savings account at the bank!

She had never invested in tax liens before. Just to be totally transparent, she did get her husband to drive her to see some of the properties in the larger sales before she bid.

Are you ready to profit from investing in tax liens? Find out about the Get Profitable Tax Liens Mentoring program at

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Fall Tax Sales – Updated for 2023

fall tax salesFall is the season for tax sales!

Some people think of the winter as tax sale season because of the Arizona online tax lien sales in February. Others think of the spring as the tax sale season due to the Florida online tax sales in May and June. But the real tax sale season is the fall. Why the fall? Because from September through December there are tax lien and tax deed sales going on all over the country, both live and online. Continue reading

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Tax Lien and Tax Deed Auctions in the Mi States

tax lien and tax deed auctions Here’s what you need to know about tax lien and tax deed auctions in the Mi States –  in Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Missouri…

If you live in or near Michigan, Mississippi, or Missouri, now is the time to go to tax lien or tax deed auctions in one of these states!

The Tax Deed States 

Michigan and Minnesota are tax deeds states. Michigan is a very good state to buy tax deed properties, while Minnesota is not. There are a couple of reasons why I don’t recommend Minnesota tax sales. In Minnesota tax delinquent properties are forfeited to the state and sold at a tax sale. But they are not sold for back taxes. Bidding starts at the assessed value of the property.

Even when the property doesn’t sell at the tax sale and can be purchased over the counter, the price is still the assessed value of the property. No deal there, plus whether you purchase at the tax sale or over the counter, you have to pay 3% of the bid price to the county. And as with most tax deed properties you’ll have to clear the title to get title insurance. Tax sales in Minnesota do have one saving grace though. They will allow you to finance the property. But at a 10% finance charge.

Michigan on the other hand, is a great state to invest in. Many of the Michigan counties have online auctions and the state has it’s own website where most of these tax sales are hosted. Bidding starts at back taxes, fees, penalties and the cost of the sale. The property is sold to the highest bidder.  Some counties do require a deposit in order to bid. Most of the counties that have online bidding provide a lot of information on the tax sale properties online. Most of these tax deed auctions take place from July through September.

The Tax Lien States

Mississippi and Missouri are both tax lien states and they both conduct their tax sales on the same day – the 4th Monday in August. They also have something else in common and that is the bidding procedure – premium is bid in both states. That is an amount over and above the amount of the lien that is bid at the tax sale. The bidder must pay the bid amount plus the amount of the lien. But there are also some big differences between tax lien auctions in these 2 states.

Mississippi has an 18% interest and a 2 year redemption period. Missouri liens pay only 10% per annum and only 8% on subsequent tax payments.  In Missouri, any premium paid at the tax sale is returned to the investor when the lien is redeemed. Not so in Mississippi. You do not get your premium back in Mississippi upon redemption. Missouri seems like the less desirable place to invest, because of the lower interest rate, but that can actually be a good thing. Combine that with the fact that you must be a Missouri state resident to invest in tax liens there and that makes it less competitive. It also has a shorter redemption period – only one year. I like both of these states for tax lien investing.

Need Help Investing in Tax Liens or Tax Deeds?

If you need help investing in any of these states, now is the time to get it! Michigan tax sales are going on now, and will continue through the summer. Mississippi and Missouri tax sales are only weeks away and registration for these tax sales must be done ahead of time. These are tax sales that I know I can help you with. A few years ago I helped Alvaro, a coaching client from Ontario purchase 3 tax deeds at a Michigan tax sale. And just last year, my client Stephanie from Texas purchased 14 liens in Mississippi. How would you like me to go to one of these tax sales with you? Or just coach you to be able to do it on your own. CLICK HERE to learn about the 2 ways that I can help you get some liens or deeds this summer.

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Have You Ever Made This Investing Mistake?

Just a couple of weeks ago, I saved one of my coaching clients, Andy C. of California from making a huge investing mistake. His exact words to me at our last coaching session were, “Thank you so much, Joanne. I’m so glad that you told me to check whether the place is build-able.”

He found a building lot he was interested in bidding on in a Florida tax deed sale. He did his due diligence on the property and was ready to bid. But I had him do one more thing that he hadn’t thought about and he found out that the lot was not build-able as it was. In order to build on this lot it would cost thousands of dollars.

The First Investing Mistake He Avoided

He never thought to check on whether the lot was build-able or not because it was zoned residential, had road frontage and had properties around it. But after he did his homework from our coaching session, he found out that there were a couple of problems with this building lot. In order to put a house on it, it needed to be an acre, and it was just under an acre. He could get a variance from the town for only around $1000, and be able to build, except that there was one more problem.

The Second Bigger Problem He Uncovered

The road the property is on is a dirt road, and in order to build another house on that road, it would have to be paved. If anyone wanted to put a house on that lot, they would have to pave the road. Not just a driveway; the entire road would have to be paved. Now that would cost him tens of thousands and yes he could sell the land to another investor, or a builder, but who would pay for it knowing that in order to build on they would have to put up another 20, 30, maybe even 40K before they even started building!

If you’re interested in unlimited year long Get Profitable Tax Liens Laser Coaching, find out more about it HERE.

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