Bidding Premium For Tax Liens – What You Need To Know

bidding premium for tax liens

Are you bidding premium for tax liens?

Right now there are online tax lien sales going on in three different states where premium is bid for tax liens.

“What is premium,” You might ask. Premium or “over-bid” as it is referred to in some states is an amount over and above the amount of the tax lien that is bid in order to get the lien. In this case it is the investor who is willing to pay the most amount of money for the tax lien that is awarded the bid.

That is the topic of this week’s Investing For Success Saturday audio.

And in this 6 minute audio you’ll also discover which 3 tax lien states that have online tax sales going on now use the premium bidding method, and why it’s very important to know what happens to the premium you bid before you bid premium for tax liens in any of these states.

You’ll also find out what we’ll be covering in the 3 Day Challenge, October 20-23. Here’s the link to register for the free 3-day challenge:

Listen to the audio below…

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The Secret To Successful Bidding

the secret to successful biddingThe truth is, there is no real ‘secret’ to successful bidding at tax sales. It all comes down to knowing your competition. In other words what are the other bidders after, and how high are they willing to bid to get a tax lien? The only way to find this out is to go to enough tax sales so that you get to know who your competition is and how much their willing to pay.

This is kind of hard to do in the online sales, where you can’t always see who your competition is. Some online platforms do list who the bidders are, but others only list the bidder numbers. So the best way to find this out, even if you’re bidding in online tax sales, is to go to some live auctions in that state, if there are any.

I have participated in both the online and live tax sales in New Jersey. And I have found that sometimes I do better in the live tax sales and sometime I do better in the online tax sales. It all depends on these 4 factors:

  1. how many tax sale there are that day
  2. what type of area the sale is in
  3. how many properties are in the tax sale
  4. the face amount of the liens in the tax sale

In some states all of the tax sales are conducted on the same day. This is not the case in New Jersey, but there are some days where there are a lot of tax sales all going on at the same time. These are the days that I like to go to live tax sales. I like to pick the out of the way places that do not have a lot of properties in the sale, are not the most populated areas, and don’t have any very large liens in the tax sale.

The larger tax liens will draw out all of the hedge funds, making it very difficult to get any liens at a decent price. Tax sales in populated areas that have a lot of liens in the sale will draw more investor also, thus more competition. And so will tax sales in affluent areas where property values and taxes are higher.

For the live tax sales I have better results bidding in out of the way places that do not have many properties in the tax sale. But this strategy does not work for the online tax sales. For the online tax sales, I find it is better to attend the more populated areas, that are also undervalued or distressed. These are the less popular places to live, with lower property values and lower tax amounts. But they are in commuting distance to the cities where people work.

I do have other strategies, once I determine where to invest, on determining which properties to bid on. If you would like to find out more about how to determine which online tax sales are the better ones to attend and which properties to bid on than join me live in the Buying Tax Liens Online 3 Day Challenge. It’s free to register! Find out more at

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Online Tax Lien Sales Coming up This Fall?

investing for success

Which states have online tax lien sales coming up in the next month?

That’s the topic of today’s Investing For Success Saturday audio message.

I also let you know about the free training we have planned for you this month – our next live free webinar on October 13, and our Buying Tax Liens Online 3 Day Challenge, October 20-23.

In the 3 and half minute audio below you’ll also find out what I’ll be teaching in our next Wealth Building Webinar on Wednesday. Here’s the link to register for the free live training:

Our Wealth Building Webinars are free to come to live. If you want to get the replay of this webinar and all of our archived wealth building webinars you can find out more at

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Which States Have The Most Tax Sales

Which States Have the Most Tax Sales

Which states have the most tax sales coming up in the next few weeks? That’s the topic of today’s Investing For Success Saturday audio message. In this audio I list the top 5 states that have the most tax sales that are coming up this fall.

I also let you know which of these states have online tax sales, and which are tax lien, tax deed, and redeemable tax deed sales. You’ll find all three types of sales between these 5 states.

In the 5 minute audio below you’ll also find out where I’ve been this past week and why you haven’t heard from me all week. You’ll find a hint about that in the picture above.

Need my help with something? Got questions about investing in tax liens or tax deeds? I answer questions about tax lien and tax deed investing live on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month live on Facebook. Join me at 2pm Eastern time on my Facebook page at

Not on Facebook? No problem, we also post the video replays on YouTube. Just submit your question at and we’ll answer it for you on our next Ask The Tax Lien Lady Live. Then check our YouTube channel at for the replay.

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What Do You Want To Know About Tax Lien Investing?

about tax lien investing

What do you want to know about tax lien investing?

It’s Investing For Success Saturday and here’s your audio message from me for this weekend. Click the arrow below to listen…

You get to determine what I will teach about tax lien investing in my next free training! All you need to do is fill out this survey:

So that I know what is you want to find out. I plan to do a free training in October and you get to choose the topics! So make sure to fill out the 8 question survey. It should only take you about 5 minutes. And it will help me to give you the free training you want!

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