Not too long ago I received a question from one of the subscribers to my Tax Lien Tips newsletter. He was confused because he saw a tax lien for sale on e-bay that sold for over $4,000. The face value of the lien was only 228.28 with 5% interest on the lien amount. This was a Florida tax lien, so instead of having the opportunity to foreclose on the property, you would apply for the tax lien to go to a deed sale if the lien was not redeemed during the 2 year redemption period.
The e-bay listing said “Residential Home Near Ocean, Tax Lien Certificate.” It included one aerial photo of the property and a few pictures of the Fort Lauderdale, Florida beaches. The item specifics said “Residential Real Estate,” and made it look as though it was the real estate that was for sale by owner, until you read the description. The description clearly said this is a tax lien certificate. It had even stated that the seller of said certificate had never even looked at the property and recommends that you look at the property before bidding on the certificate.
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