2nd Annual Tax Lien Investing Conference

tax lien investing conference

I’ll be hosting our 2nd Annual Tax Lien Investing conference highlighting interviews of 6 tax lien and tax deed investing experts (including myself) on topics related to making investing in tax liens and tax deeds easier, more profitable, and more fun!

I hope that you’ll join us live on Thursday, May 5 from 12:00 pm to 4:00pm Eastern Time/ 11am – 1pm Pacific. You can register to join us live at www.TaxLienInvestingConference.com.

During this conference you’ll hear about services that will help you find out what tax sales are coming up across the country, research tax sale properties easier and faster to choose the right properties to bid on, and get results of past tax sales. You’ll even learn how to clear the title on your tax foreclosed properties faster, so that you can sell them faster and shorten your turn around time to profit from your investments.

Plus, I’ll be interviewing an expert on how you can sell your liens and make your profit without waiting out the redemption period. And I have an expert who will be talking about you can profit from tax sale overages – that’s a strategy that I get a lot of questions about. But it’s not one that I personally do. So I brought in a tax deed expert, who also is an expert at overages!

I’d really like to find out which of the topics are most applicable to your specific situation. So would you do me a quick favor and fill out a short survey? It’s only 2 multiple choice questions, will take you less than 1 minute to complete, and it will help me help you get the information and know how that you want!

Take the Survey

And remember to register for the tax lien investing conference happening May 5!

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Spring 2022 Online Tax Lien Sales

spring online tax lien sales

What online tax lien sales are coming up this spring?

And which of these sales are worth bidding on?

Thanks to the pandemic in 2020, more tax lien sales have gone online in the last couple of years. Some counties have gone back to having live tax sales, but many are still conducting their tax sales online. And states that only had a couple of counties with online tax sales before 2020, now have more counties with tax sale auctions online…

Here’s the scoop on tax lien sales that are happening online in the next couple of months…

The state that is probably best known for it’s online tax lien auctions, and one of the first states to have their tax lien auctions online is Florida. Florida online tax lien sales happen in May of each year. There are 67 counties in Florida. All but one of these counties now have their tax lien auctions online. Competition in this state is very competitive and good liens typically get bid down to 0.25% interest. The redemption period is 2 years.

Two other states on the eastern seaboard also have tax sales this time of year, and have increased the number of these tax sales that are online. Those states are Maryland and New Jersey.

New Jersey is the state that I started investing in. And while I do like that state for investing, it is one of the more complicated states for bidding, and also very competitive. In New Jersey the interest rate is frequently bid down to 0% and premium is bid. You don’t get any interest on the premium bid or the face amount of the tax lien when you bid premium. But you do get the statutory rate on any subsequent taxes that you pay and you get paid the penalty amount (2, 4 or 6%, depending on the amount of the lien) on the face amount of the lien.

Maryland is also a complicated state to bid in. But what I like about Maryland is that the interest rate is not bid down. Instead premium is bid – which means the price of the lien is bid up. The other things that I like about Maryland are the short redemption period – only 6 months. Each county in MD has different rules and different interest rates, so you must pay attention to the rules of the sale for each county!  Because Maryland tax sales are somewhat complicated, but I also think it’s one of the better states to invest in, as long as you stay out of Baltimore City. I did a Done With You training for the Maryland tax sales last year and it will be updated with the dates for this year’s tax sales when the information becomes available.

Other states with online tax sales coming up this season are Louisiana and Alabama. I am not a fan of the tax lien auctions in either of these states for different reasons.

In Louisiana the percent ownership of the property should the lien not redeem and the tax lien investor foreclose on the property is bid down. I do not believe that owning anything less than 100% is enough leverage to get paid on your lien.

What I don’t like about the Alabama tax sales is how long it takes for properties to get into the tax sale and the long (3 year) redemption period. I prefer to invest in states with shorter redemption periods – the shorter the better!

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5 Day Investing For Success Challenge 2022 Recap

investing for success

Here’s what we covered in the 5 Day Investing For Success Challenge in March of 2022

Which are you interested in investing in? Tax liens, tax deeds, or redeemable tax deeds? What state or states do you want to invest in?

Did you participate in the 5 Day Challenge and download my recently updated State Guide? And did you do the homework?

Homework for day 1 of the challenge was to read about the states that you’re interested in investing in.

Homework on the second day was to choose which state to invest in and come back with your questions.

Click the arrow below to listen to today’s Investing For Success Saturday Audio to find out what we went over each day of the Challenge.

Here’s the link to the Investing for Success Private Facebook Group mentioned in the audio, where you can still watch the videos until April 3: https://Facebook.com/groups/InvestingForSuccess

Not on Facebook?

Why not become a VIP for the 5 Day Challenge and get lifetime access to the recordings plus the Q & A sessions that we did Tuesday – Friday. We didn’t have a Q & A session on Monday because I spent the whole time in the Facebook group. Al together you’ll get 5 hours of video training from me. And watch me as I do some coaching in the VIP sessions!

Become a 5-day investing for success challenge 2022 VIP member now. And watch as I show how my coaching clients and I make finding tax sales, getting the tax sale info, and picking the right properties to bid on easy! enroll now Here.

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Tax Lien Lady’s State Guide Now Updated For 2022

Tax Lien Lady's State GuideNow you can download your copy of Tax Lien Lady’s State Guide to Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing – Updated for 2022!

When it comes to getting started in tax lien investing, one of the challenges that new investors have is “Finding the best place to invest and getting the tax sale information.” At least that’s what a lot of people tell me is their problem when it comes to getting started with investing in tax liens or tax deeds. Now there is an easy way for you to get information about what happens in every state!

It’s been 4 years since I’ve updated my State Guide and a lot has changed in the last 4 years. Thanks to the COVID pandemic and shut downs in a lot of states, there are more online tax sales now then ever before. Things in some states stayed the same, but there a few states that had changes, either more online tax sales, or online tax sales on different platforms. Or maybe even a change in bidding procedures. It’s all been updated in Tax Lien Lady’s State Guide.

The first thing you have to do when you get started investing in tax liens or tax deeds is decide which state you will invest in. Tax lien investing is very different in each state and you’ll need to know what the rules and procedures are in the state that you’re investing in. That’s where this newly updated version of Tax Lien Lady’s State Guide can help. So even if you’ve downloaded it before, you’ll want to go grab the newly updated copy.

This guide will help you figure out the best place to invest. It outlined the major differences between tax lien and tax deed states. You’ll find out when and how often tax sales take place in each state and what the rules and procedures are in order to bid. For some states there’s even information on when you have to register, whether or not you need to put down a deposit in order to register, and what the bidding procedure is for that county.

And the best part is, the State Guide is FREE! Just go to the page https://taxlienlady.com/membership to download your copy. You don’t even have to opt in. Just scroll down to the bottom of that page and click on the link that says Click Here To Download Tax Lien Lady’s State Guide and the 66 page pdf file will be downloaded instantly to your device. And just in case you want more training or some extra help from me, you can always read the checklist on that same page that describes the benefits of joining the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™.

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Profit From Your Tax Lien Without Waiting Out The Redemption

profit from your tax lienDid you know that you can profit from your tax lien without waiting out the redemption period? You can sell your lien to another investor. It’s known as an assignment and most counties allow you to assign your lien to someone else. Here’s how it works in states where the lien or deed is recorded in the county records….

You find a buyer for your lien and decide on a price. My recommendation is to sell it at the redemption value. Next you will have to determine a date for the sale to take place in order to get the right redemption value for that date. You may have to contact the tax collector or county treasurer (who ever was responsible for selling you the lien or deed). Let them know that you are assigning the lien, and ask them for the redemption value for the date of the assignment.

Write up an assignment contract that lists all the particulars about the tax lien, as well as who the seller is (you) and who the buyer of the tax lien or redeemable deed is. You will also need a place for a notary to witness and sign the document as well as a place for your signature as the assignor. You’ll want to keep the contract to one page, because it will have to be recorded in the county records. You can also ask the tax collector or county treasurer if they have an assignment contract template you can use.

The Benefits of Group Coaching

One of the benefits of tax lien coaching in a small group is that you get to meet other investors who are building their tax lien or tax deed portfolios. Recently after one of our group coaching sessions, one coaching client sold 2 of her liens to another new coaching client who was just starting to build his portfolio. And in our most recent coaching session I went over the assignment contract, exactly what needs to be in it, how to fill it out, and exactly what steps both the seller and the purchaser need to take. We also went over what you need to track for you liens or redeemable tax deeds.

All of our coaching sessions our recorded for coaching clients to watch at their convenience and we have 2 of these group sessions each month for coaching clients. That’s just one of the many benefits of Get Profitable Tax Liens Coaching. You can find out more about coaching with me at www.GetProfitableTaxLiens.com.

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