Tax Liens and Tax Deeds: Resources for Your Due Diligence

by Rachel Seidensticker

There are several ways to practice your due diligence when investing in tax liens and tax deeds. As stated in my previous article, it is important to know your state and county laws, contact local agents, and proceed with caution if using investments agents. I want to look further into investigating! The biggest step to your due diligence is knowing the property that you are investing in and what type of lien you are buying.

Even if you are only investing in tax liens, you still have the potential of OWNING that property one day, so it is crucial that you invest your hard earned money that will make a return on your investment.

Investigate, investigate, investigate. Continue reading

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Online Tax Deed Sales Webinar Training

I will be conducting a webinar training on “Buying Tax Deeds Online Now,” on Wednesday June 16 at 9pm Eastern. Each month Members Area offers a Webinar Training on a different topic. Members get to sign up for the webinar at no charge and the live training is made available to non-members for $49.95.

This month’s topic is “Buying Tax Deeds Online.” Non-members can find out more or register for the webinar at Or you can get a month’s membership and the webinar training by joining Tax Lien Lady’s Members Area at Continue reading

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Tax Liens and Tax Deeds: Practicing Your Due Diligence

Tax liens and tax deeds are a substantial and safe investment grossing significant returns ranging from 8-18%. However, like any investment, it is important to investigate what you are investing in and protect yourself from damage and monetary loss.

Interested investors are coming out of the wood work to try their hands at tax liens/deeds. However, since this form of investing is starting to become well-known and popular, there are more and more inherent risks, including scam artists. There are several steps an investor can take to heed caution and protect his/her hard-earned money.

1. Know the state and county laws

Every state varies in their laws governing tax liens/deeds. The first and foremost pertinent information would be finding out if a state uses a tax lien, a tax deed, a redeemable deed, or any combination thereof, because they are all very different processes. The laws governing tax liens/deeds determine when, where, and how a sale is held in each county. Most states require the tax lien sale lists to be published in a newspaper 3-4 weeks in advance. This is important information to know because before you purchase a lien, you will want to know what is available for purchase. Other laws include the redemption period for the tax lien/deed. These vary as well between 2-4 years. This, too, is important since as an investor you will want to know how long you will be receiving your return as well as when you may potentially foreclose on the property for ultimate ownership. Overall, to practice your due diligence, the first step is to understand the laws governing that state’s tax liens/deeds. Although there are varying differences, most states have a similar overall procedure. It’s the minor details that can catch you off-guard and leave you dangling with no investment to speak of.

2. Investigate the lien and the property it is against Continue reading

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Are You Fiscally Fit?

Are you ready for the Perfect Storm?

It’s coming, actually it’s already here…

The perfect storm of declining stock prices, a busted real estate bubble, and deflating credit. It’s all coming together to form the biggest depression in the US since the 1930’s. But this depression is not just here in the US, it’s worldwide. And according to financial expert Harry S. Dent, it will hit all the major modern markets accept the Japanese market. Japan went through it’s own great depression 20 years ahead of the rest of the world.

It all has to do with population and demographics. Japan had it’s baby boom 20 years before the US and other modernized countries did. Their economy imploded in the 1990’s. Our economy and other major economies around the world are set to do the same in the 2010’s.

Now I am not a financial expert, far from it, I don’t know much about the economy or financial markets. That’s why I read and listen to the experts….not financial planners but the expert that financial advisers turn to when they are looking for advice. Harry S. Dent is one of these experts. He has correctly predicted trends in the market for the last 18 years.

Watch His latest video to see what he has to say about the economy and what is to come.

How Tax Lien Investing Can Help You Whether the Storm Continue reading

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Guest Article: First Steps for Foreign Investors

First Steps for Foreign Investors

By Dustin Hahn

Many people living outside the US often ask, “What do I need to do to if I want to invest in the United States in tax lien certificates or tax deeds?” I faced some challenges when I started investing in Tax Liens and Deeds while I was living in Canada and it took me several trips to the US to work out all the bugs.

Here are the steps that you need to take to prepare to invest in the U.S. from another country. Being I was living close by, I actually went to the United States to do this, but you can also do this over the phone or fax. Continue reading

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