My 3 Favorite Tax Lien Investing Tools

tax lien investing tool

Want to know about the tax lien investing tools and resources that I use the most? If you’ve been following me, you know that there are smart and not so smart ways to invest in tax liens and tax deeds. I’m all about the smart and easy ways to invest.

Tax lien and tax deed investing has gotten a lot easier since I started investing in tax liens in 2002 and tax deeds in 2005. There are online tools and resources that either didn’t exist when I got started or I just wasn’t aware of then. Some of these resources are free online tools that I use all the time to find upcoming tax sales and research tax sale properties. They make tax lien and tax deed investing a lot easier than it used to be. Most of them are free. Although I do use a paid version for the one resource that I use the most.

In this article, I’ll list the top three tools and resources that I use to make tax lien investing easier, and explain how I use them.

My Favorite Tax Lien Investing Tools:

Tax Sale Finders – This is the tax lien investing tool that I use the most. I use a paid version and I provide the paid version to members of the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator™ and my coaching clients. The first thing that I use this resource for is to find out what tax sales are coming up across the country. I can filter the upcoming tax sales to find just the type of tax sales I’m looking for all across the country or in the state of my choice.

Once I find the tax sale that I’m looking for, I can filter the list of properties in the tax sale. I can filter the list down to a manageable number of properties to research. And I don’t have to waist my time researching properties in areas that I don’t want to invest in, or types of properties I’m not interested in.

Then I can get reports on the properties that I want to research further. The reports include a map showing the parcel boundaries and assessment data, market value of the property (according to the county), mortgage data, any environmental concerns and flood risk. I’ve only described part of what is provided by Tax Sale Resources, but these are the features that I use the most.

If you would like to get access to Tax Sale Finders and learn how use TSF along with the other resources listed in this article to find out what tax sales are coming up around the country, filter the tax sale lists and choose the right properties to bid on, check out the new Tax Sale Success Workshop at – I like to use this free resource to find the best places to invest when I’m going to a tax sale in a state or county where I don’t know the area. I use it to find the best counties in a given state. And to find the best cities or towns to invest in inside any given county. While many of the resources that show real estate values that used to show crime ratings no longer do this, does. So I also use to check crime ratings in areas that I’m considering investing in. – Tax Sale Resources gives the market value of tax sale properties according to the county, but that does not always keep up with the market. So I use Zillow to find a better estimate of what the market value really is. Zillow doesn’t always keep up with the market either. In a lagging market, it is usually a little higher than what the property would sell for. And in a rising market it’s a little lower. But it is still more up to date than the county records.

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Summertime Tax Sales

Looking for summertime tax sales? Here are tax sales that you can look forward to this summer….

Summertime Tax Lien Sales

Maryland tax sales are wrapping up and there are only a couple of Maryland tax sales that will have their tax sales by the end of this month. New Jersey, and Louisiana, have tax sales going on this month and throughout the summer and many of those are online.

Kentucky counties also have tax sales coming. up throughout the summer, but they are all live tax sales. Wyoming counties have live tax sales in July and August as well.

Mississippi and Missouri have their tax sales in August. In the past, there were a few Mississippi counties that had online tax sales but this year most of them are online. 3 of the Missouri county tax sales were held online last year but they may have all reverted back to live tax sales this year. Both of these states have all their tax sales on the same day. For Missouri, it is August 22, and for Mississippi, tax sales are on August 29.

The big news is that Washington DC hasn’t had a tax sale for the last 3 years due to COVID and they are holding their tax sale in July. This is a live tax lien auction.

Summertime Tax Deed Sales

Tax sales have dried up for the summertime on the west coast. But there are plenty of tax deed sales coming up in other parts of the country and some of those are online.

Florida counties have tax deed sales coming up in July and August and many of them are online. Some of these counties may have tax sales as often as once a week! New York counties have tax deed sales from now through September and a few of them are online. The state of Wisconsin also has a handful of counties that have sealed bid or online tax sales this month and next. But they typically do not have many properties in their tax sales. Sometimes there are only 1 or 2 properties in these Wisconsin tax sales.

Some Louisiana parishes have tax deed sales in July, and many of which are online. There are Ohio county tax deed sales from now until the beginning of September and a handful of those tax sales are online, although most of them are live. And there are quite a few Virginia tax sales through June and July and many of them are now online.

There are plenty of live tax deed sales coming in Arkansas from July through September. The state of Idaho has 3 counties with tax sales scheduled this summer. But each of these tax sales has only 1 or 2 properties in the auction. And they are all live. Indiana is a tax lien state, but Polasky County has a live tax deed sale scheduled for July.

My favorite state for online tax deed auctions is Michigan and this is the season for Michigan tax sales. Almost all of their tax sales are in August. There are also a lot of tax deed sales going on all summer in the state of Kansas. All of these sales are live.

There are quite a few North Carolina counties with tax sales from now through September. But only counties that have larger cities have more than a handful of properties in their tax sales. There are also a few counties in my state – Pennsylvania, that have deed sales coming up. And thanks to the COVID pandemic, some of them are now online. Some of the PA counties have combined their tax sales with the Sheriff sales and they are held on

Redeemable Deed Sales

Delaware has only 3 counties and they all have a tax sale in July. There are a few counties in Tennessee that have tax sales this summer, and now some of them are online. Some counties in Georgia and Texas have tax sales every month, on the first Tuesday of the month. Only one GA county and a handful of TX counties have their redeemable deed auctions online. Some Connecticut municipalities have redeemable deed sales coming up this summer. All of these sales are live. The city of Philadelphia has an online redeemable deed sale in July.

Where are you spending your vacation this summer? If you’re going to be in one of these states, why not look into the tax sales?

Need help getting ready for a tax deed sale? Check out the Online Tax Deed Sales home study course at!

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Tax Sale Success in 2022

tax sale success workshop

How can you have tax sale success in 2022? What’s changed this year in the online tax lien sales in the online tax lien auctions in spring and summer?  To begin with, one of the major online tax lien platforms –, has changed their website and it looks totally different. handles many of the Florida and Maryland online tax sales as well as all of the New Jersey online tax lien sales.

Allowing or Not Allowing Foreign Bidders

You’ll also find this year that that most of the online tax lien sales do not accept foreign bidders. For the counties that do not accept registrants who are not U.S. citizens, foreigners will only be able to invest in these tax sales through a US identity with a US bank account. All of the New Jersey tax online tax sales do not accept foreign bidders. Most of the Florida and Maryland tax sales do not accept foreign bidders, but there may be a couple of counties that do. You will have to check the bidding rules for each county to find the counties that do accept foreign bidders. Palm Beach county does accept foreign bidders, but their registration ended on May 20. So if you’re a foreigner, check them out next year. You can also check to see if they have a follow up sale.

Single Simultaneous Bidding Rule

While many of the Florida and Maryland counties had the single simultaneous bidding rule in effect last year, most do not this year. No single simultaneous bidding rule means that you can bid as different entities. It also means that both you and your spouse can register to bid separately, even if you file a joint tax return. It also means that hedge funds can register in multiple names and the competition can be even more intense.

New Requirement for Some Florida Counties

There is a new requirement for bidders in some Florida counties. That bidders registering an entity with an EIN number must provide either proof that the entity is registered in the state of Florida, or an affidavit of their registration to do business in Florida, with the name and address of their Florida agent. Not all Florida counties require this yet, but some do. This means that if you are bidding in the name of an entity, your entity will have to be registered in Florida. It may just be easier (as it is in other states that require this) to bid in your own name.

Tax Sale Success Workshop – June 2022

Most of the Florida tax sales will be over by June 1. But they will have their cleanup sales in June. Everything that doesn’t sell in the initial tax sale will be listed in the cleanup sale. These liens will be sold on a first come first serve bases at the maximum interest rate – 18%. There will also still be some online tax lien auctions in Maryland in June. And June is one of the busiest months for New Jersey tax sales, both online and live.

You can get help for registering and bidding in these tax sales in our 2 day Tax Sale Success Workshop. The workshop will take place Thursday and Friday, June 2 & 3 from 12pm – 2pm Eastern time each day. And if you enroll by May 31, you can get into the workshop at 80% off! Get the details at and Enroll Now!

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New to Investing in Online Tax Sales? Beware of this…

investing in online tax salesIf you’re new to investing in online tax sales, whether it’s tax lien or tax deeds, beware of the registration and deposit deadline for the online auction. The deadline for registering to bid at the tax sale may be days or even weeks before the auction begins. Don’t make the mistake of choosing a tax sale to invest in and doing all your due diligence, picking the right properties to bid on. And then find out that you missed the registration deadline. You also want to make sure that you get your deposit in on time.

For many online tax sales, you have to get your deposit in a week ahead of the auction start date. But for some tax sales, it can be even more in advance. The Lake County Indiana Commissioner’s Sale for example starts on May 9, but the registration deadline was March 17! That’s long before the tax sale shows up on most tax sale list provider’s websites.

If you were one of my coaching clients investing in the online tax sales, you would know where to look to find out just when the county tax sale you want to attend is happening, when it opens for registration and when the registration deadline is. And I will also help you easily do your due diligence and choose the right properties to bid on in the sale. Find out more about my Get Profitable Tax Liens Coaching Program at

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Where Are the Online Tax Deed Sales?

Online Tax Deed Sales courseDo you know how to find the online tax deed sales?  It’s pretty easy to find the websites that handle the online tax lien sales. There are only a handful of companies that handle most of these auctions around the country and a couple of others that only handle tax sales in one or two states. But what if you’re looking for the deed auctions that are online? This can be a little more complicated. Some states have their own websites for these tax sales.

State Websites For Tax Deed Sales

Some examples of this are New York state, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  The online tax deed sales in New York State are conducted by either or Wisconsin deed sales are handled by,  and the state of Michigan has the website to handle most of their counties online tax deed sales. Most of the California tax sales are conducted at as well as one or two counties in Washington, and Michigan.  Another state-specific tax sale site is, which handles all of the Louisiana online tax deed and tax lien sales (and also one of the counties in Washington state).

Florida Tax Deed Sales

A handful of Florida counties have online deed auctions and you can find them on The nice thing about the Florida deed sales is that because tax lien holders have to apply for their lien to go into a deed sale instead of foreclosing if the property owner does not redeem the lien during the redemption period, there is a steady stream of tax deeds available. Some counties in Florida will a tax deed sale as often as once a week as opposed to the once yearly tax deed sales that happen in other deed states.

When to Look?

You now have plenty of places to look for these tax sales, but it would be helpful if you knew when to look. With the exception of Florida, most tax deed sales are only held once a year. California counties stagger their tax sales throughout the year, so check on regularly to see what sales are coming up. Louisiana “Adjudicated Property Sales,” as the deed sales are referred to, happen throughout the year as well, and you can check frequently on to view their calendar of upcoming tax sales. The Michigan counties hold their tax sales from late summer through the fall.

2 Ways To Get My Help

You can learn more about how you can participate and profit from the online tax deed sales. Get step-by-step instruction on how to find the best places to invest, register for the tax sale online, research the tax sale properties and bid at the sale.

If you’re a self starter you can follow the online training in the Online Tax Deed Sales course at

Need more help, and want to make tax deed investing easier with the tools that my coaching clients and I use for investing? Find out more about hiring me to be your mentor and coach at

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