Category Archives: tax sales
What is a Tax Lien Agent?
A Tax Lien Agent is a person or a company that will purchase tax lien certificates and/or tax deeds for an investor. So if you are one of those people who would love to put your money into safe, high yielding tax liens or tax deeds, but you don?t have a clue about how to do it properly, and you don?t have the time to learn, then you may want to invest through a tax lien agent.
New Resource For Tax Lien Info
Here’s what you can do with, the most comprehensive database for tax lien and tax deed information online. Continue reading
Update On Arizona Tax Liens
The Arizona online tax sales are coming up, be ready with Tax Lien Lady’s Buying Tax Liens Online home study course, also find out some important information about getting the Arizona Tax Sale Lists. Continue reading
New Jersey Tax Sales
find out what’s going on now in tax sales in New Jersey Continue reading
Tax Deed Investing: What is an Upset Sale?
Tweet In Pennsylvania, some counties have two different tax sales; the “upset” sale, and the “judicial” sale. If tax sale properties are not sold at either of these two sales, the property then goes on the “repository” list and can … Continue reading
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