Maryland tax sales happen in May and June each year, but some of the MD counties have changed the way that have their tax sales since 2020. Some counties had online tax sales for the first time in 2021.
What I like about Maryland Online Tax Sales
What I really like about Maryland tax sales is the short redemption period – only 6 months. Each county has a different interest rate, anywhere from 8 – 20%. The interest rate does not get bid down at the auction. Instead, investors bid premium for the tax lien. They bid a separate dollar amount that they are willing to pay to get the property if the lien does not redeem.
What seems good but isn’t
The investor is not required to pay the entire premium amount until foreclosure of the tax lien. Only a small percent of the premium must be paid at the tax sale, and only if the bid amount is more than 40% of the assessed value of the property. This may sound good. But what it really does is increase the amount of premium bid at the tax sale, and make the competition a little tougher. Investors are willing to bid higher on tax sale properties because they don’t have to come up with the entire bid price at the tax sale.
Here’s what can be challenging
There are 2 types of tax sales in Maryland. Some counties have a private bid sale. And they have their own websites for these tax sales. So, in addition to a different interest rate in each county, there can also be different bidding rules and procedures. On top of all that, some of the counties are not easy to deal with. It’s very important to know what you’re doing and which tax sales to stay away from.
Done-With-You Training for the Maryland Online Tax Sales
If you would like to know how to register and bid at these tax sales before it’s too late, take advantage of the training that we have specifically for the Maryland tax sales, and find out how to participate in these sales profitably!
When you register for the online training, you’ll also get one month access to the Tax Lien Profits Accelerator, which includes access to Tax Sale Finders software to help you make the right decisions about which properties to bid on!
This Training Will Be A Good Fit For You If:
- You have at least $10,000 to invest. More is better since premium is bid at these auctions
- You are comfortable investing your money for medium term return (6mo. – 1yr)
- You are decisive and willing to take action
- You are willing to take possession and own parcels that don’t redeem
In this training you’ll discover how to:
Get the information you need to register and bid at these tax sales
Pick the best counties to invest in
Research the properties in the sale to find the right liens to bid on
Place bids on liens in the tax sale and get the bid results
Protect your investment and maximize your profit!
And I’ll show you how to avoid the common mistakes most new tax lien investors make that cost time and money! Find out more HERE.
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