We’ll be having another free tax lien investing teleseminar on Wednesday October 1, to give everyone another peak into Tax Lien Lady’s members area. On this call I’ll be talking about what online tax sales are coming up now and how you can get involved. Here is the registration link: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/710759785.
Many of the so called tax lien investing experts will imply that you can invest in tax liens online anywhere in the U.S., but that’s not the case. What these experts fail to tell is that only a few states have online tax sales. And even among the states that do, not all counties will have their
tax sales online.
Typically the counties that have their auctions online have the most competition. So how do you know which are the best online tax sales to
attend and what online tax sales can you take part in now?
That’s exactly what I teach my students and members. On Wednesday October 1, I’ll give everyone a peak into what I’ll be teaching in my next member training. There is no cost (besides an hour of your time) to join the teleseminar. It’s also an opportunity for you to have your questions about tax lien investing answered by me!
You can listen to this teleseminar through your computer, or connect by phone. If you connect through your computer, you’ll be able to submit your questions during the call. The call is free for everyone, but registration is required in order to get the webinar link and phone number, and there will also be a recording if you are not able to attend live.
Register now at https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/710759785.
By Lilya October 17, 2014 - 1:28 am
Very enjoyable, easy to follow, professional. – Thank you.